
Home location is a big driver of your Port Dickinson, NY insurance rates so getting quotes from top companies will keep your costs down.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Port Dickinson, NY the costlier the insurance

City Unemploymed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Port Dickinson 1120 3 587
Hallstead, PA 1,106 6 704
Maine 4,276 2 590
Bainbridge 2,818 3 585
McGraw 810 4 583
Little Meadows, PA 262 6 696
Hop Bottom, PA 258 6 707
Kirkwood 4,895 6 589
German 261 7 582
Tioga 4,298 7 582
Pharsalia 532 7 579
Great Bend, PA 1,628 3 705
Preston, PA 876 2 739
Binghamton University 6,158 4 567
Windsor 4,980 3 588
Friendsville, PA 106 8 729
Marathon 1,671 5 588
Harford, PA 1,256 3 715
Starrucca, PA 165 0 682
Greene 4,764 3 592
Guilford 2,347 7 583

Better incomes in Port Dickinson, NY lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Port Dickinson 25324 587
Windsor 23,264 588
Nanticoke 21,043 583
Hop Bottom, PA 19,257 707
Bridgewater, PA 24,713 725
Johnson City 21,600 583
Lapeer 21,692 588
Friendsville, PA 19,615 729
Herrick, PA 26,644 729
Windham, PA 23,003 732
Ararat, PA 26,223 729
Dickinson 22,120 590
Susquehanna County, PA 23,672 715
Willet 19,653 584
Spencer 22,897 589
Union 26,796 588
Preston 22,381 584
Endicott 20,783 584
Danby 35,132 596
Richford 23,617 585
Silver Lake, PA 28,345 727

More poverty in Port Dickinson, NY means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Port Dickinson 135 9 587
Silver Lake, PA 23 1 727
Chenango Bridge 312 10 596
Apolacon, PA 45 8 706
Harford 144 15 582
Sanford 335 13 588
Springville, PA 264 15 719
Taylor 93 19 588
Harford, PA 47 3 715
Little Meadows, PA 39 13 696
Lenox, PA 193 10 726
Windham, PA 123 12 732
Masonville 123 7 589
Hop Bottom, PA 76 21 707
Preston, PA 152 14 739
Nanticoke 263 17 583
Pitcher 110 19 583
Richford 171 15 585
Conklin 782 14 588
Apalachin 188 15 586
Danby 298 8 596

Advanced Education levels in Port Dickinson, NY implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Port Dickinson 161 17 587
Silver Lake, PA 182 15 727
Windham, PA 52 6 732
Ararat, PA 31 8 729
Dryden 1,930 19 597
Dimock, PA 141 14 728
Starrucca, PA 9 5 682
Barton 572 9 587
Susquehanna Depot, PA 101 9 690
Afton 129 6 582
Chenango County 3,415 9 585
Binghamton 3,783 12 584
Virgil 243 14 592
Cincinnatus 46 7 583
Spencer 191 9 589
Susquehanna County, PA 3,125 10 715
Friendsville, PA 13 14 729
Apolacon, PA 49 12 706
Nanticoke 86 8 583
Newark Valley 322 12 587
Barker 192 10 585