
See what's important for Solon, Ohio Home Insurance to get a good deal from a top insurance company.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Solon, OH the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Solon 17523 4 794
Oakwood village 3,052 7 725
Chesterland 1,954 5 739
Hinckley 6,154 3 790
Cleveland 313,615 11 678
Brady Lake 378 7 701
Chagrin Falls 3,326 3 821
Newburgh Heights 1,550 11 680
Parma 67,022 5 701
Willowick 11,557 5 702
Maple Heights 18,656 10 685
Richfield 4,959 3 784
Seven Hills 10,103 5 730
South Russell 2,775 3 808
Boston 1,110 4 749
Bainbridge 9,026 4 793
Northfield Center 4,636 1 742
Mayfield Heights 15,581 3 712
Parma Heights 16,809 4 704
Walton Hills 2,135 4 743
Moreland Hills 2,581 3 901

Better incomes in Solon, OH lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Solon 48,859 794
Hunting Valley 164,475 1,215
Streetsboro 28,386 717
Northfield 24,001 713
Newburgh Heights 21,444 680
Parma 25,064 701
Lyndhurst 36,543 719
Tallmadge 27,604 721
Brady Lake 20,681 701
Valley View 33,700 774
Boston Heights 48,470 806
Timberlake 29,310 721
University Heights 32,197 729
Cuyahoga Heights 27,868 708
Bentleyville 88,004 976
Beachwood 52,031 808
Hinckley 39,195 790
Willowick 27,802 702
Highland Hills 13,382 685
Cuyahoga Falls 26,157 702
South Russell 54,975 808

More poverty in Solon, OH means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Solon 1020 4 794
Munson 195 2 782
Willoughby Hills 469 4 778
Sagamore Hills 328 3 759
Geauga County 7,720 8 760
Garrettsville 196 7 723
Lyndhurst 687 4 719
Mayfield Heights 1,151 6 712
Glenwillow 68 9 736
Hiram 154 6 746
Summit County 79,136 14 710
Russell 249 4 798
Boston Heights 87 6 806
Parma 8,158 10 701
Highland Heights 259 3 782
North Royalton 1,133 3 745
Tallmadge 1,699 9 721
Independence 215 3 751
Streetsboro 1,053 6 717
Bainbridge 716 6 793
Northfield Center 396 6 742

Advanced Education levels in Solon, OH implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Solon 4845 31 794
Brecksville 2,760 28 775
Auburn 1,419 32 800
Kirtland 1,135 23 784
Valley View 252 17 774
Shalersville 360 9 714
Bentleyville 240 37 976
Willoughby 2,948 18 720
North Randall 72 10 695
Willowick 1,373 13 702
Glenwillow 104 19 736
Shaker Heights 5,135 26 769
Middleburg Heights 2,104 17 728
Cuyahoga Falls 7,192 20 702
Highland Heights 1,635 27 782
Brady Lake 40 11 701
Kirtland Hills 115 24 936
Freedom 120 6 715
Tallmadge 2,430 19 721
Newburgh Heights 180 13 680
Willoughby Hills 1,657 24 778