
Your home location & surrounding characteristics count a lot towards your Williamsburg, Ohio Home rate. Use it to get a good deal.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Williamsburg, OH the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Williamsburg 4492 5 711
Alexandria, KY 11,116 4 796
Butlerville 122 1 719
Kenwood 4,996 3 775
Clermont County 152,902 5 722
Day Heights 1,932 5 719
Forestville 8,312 2 753
Mowrystown 271 7 673
Sixteen Mile Stand 2,606 9 900
California, KY 74 2 767
Sycamore 15,221 5 729
Neville 80 5 654
Newtown 2,091 5 716
Russellville 309 8 685
Mount Carmel 3,431 3 700
New Market 1,519 10 698
Mount Repose 3,064 1 717
Stonelick 4,818 7 719
Plainville 68 0 821
Silverton 4,084 6 701
Crestview, KY 313 7 773

Better incomes in Williamsburg, OH lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Williamsburg 21,386 711
Salem Heights 44,400 731
Madeira 39,066 758
Morrow 19,355 708
Highland Heights, KY 20,567 765
Midland 10,002 675
Mulberry 34,465 712
Kenwood 42,573 775
New Richmond 21,724 721
Claryville, KY 24,052 790
Turpin Hills 46,536 785
Concorde Hills 128,479 975
Newtown 38,082 716
California, KY 18,095 767
Campbell County, KY 27,063 781
Sycamore 38,810 729
Mount Carmel 24,782 700
Pleasant Plain 23,643 699
Grants Lick, KY 27,961 795
Silver Grove, KY 18,062 757
Foster, KY 20,600 745

More poverty in Williamsburg, OH means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Williamsburg 1042 18 711
Loveland Park 389 32 725
Landen 180 2 736
Batavia 3,509 15 719
Goshen 2,070 13 712
Dillonvale 449 11 713
Mount Repose 118 2 717
Alexandria, KY 796 5 796
Summerside 881 16 703
Georgetown 756 17 698
Madeira 328 3 758
Sherwood 144 4 730
Moscow 13 6 666
Cold Spring, KY 218 3 795
Russellville 50 13 685
Highland Heights, KY 1,235 21 765
Ohio 1,043 20 691
Silver Grove, KY 370 31 757
Tate 1,096 11 722
Butlerville 14 8 719
Chilo 5 6 705

Advanced Education levels in Williamsburg, OH implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Williamsburg 203 5 711
Ohio 247 7 691
Lewis 103 5 674
Chilo 5 8 705
Remington 54 34 811
Harlan 503 15 728
Felicity 32 6 672
Silverton 672 19 701
The Village of Indian Hill 1,680 41 1,211
Midland 11 5 675
Mulberry 524 21 712
Cold Spring, KY 946 21 795
Sterling 299 10 708
Amelia 349 10 707
Blanchester 127 4 692
Mentor, KY 28 19 769
Cherry Grove 763 27 732
Camp Dennison 14 6 714
Salem Heights 495 19 731
Union 5,855 18 722
Moscow 9 5 666