
Where You Live in Ontario, Ohio matters For Your Home Insurance & choose your insurance provider wisely after comparing multiple quotes.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Ontario, OH the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Ontario 4892 5 702
Tiro 223 17 668
Jeromesville 305 13 689
Dallas 312 0 698
Venice 1,441 5 690
Shiloh 477 7 670
Marion 36,246 5 682
Lucas 407 6 693
Candlewood Lake 719 0 736
Melmore 106 0 710
Antrim 961 4 699
New London 2,492 8 688
Crawford County 34,717 5 683
West Salem 1,184 9 679
Marion County 53,805 5 687
Clarksfield 1,374 3 716
Edison 280 8 678
North Bloomfield 1,314 6 718
Nashville 200 1 681
North Robinson 154 6 672
Caledonia 545 4 680

Better incomes in Ontario, OH lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Ontario 25,674 702
Whetstone 21,548 689
Mount Gilead 20,141 683
Greenwich 20,475 681
Lucas 18,410 693
Hartland 27,372 713
Sparta 18,160 671
Danville 16,412 679
Antrim 22,746 699
Rochester 21,394 715
Perrysville 20,036 673
Bailey Lakes 19,451 700
Crawford County 21,107 683
Marengo 19,101 677
Polk 23,309 696
Bloominggrove 21,050 733
Sherman 27,877 707
Tod 24,926 728
Bucyrus 18,984 681
Apple Valley 31,676 720
Hayesville 21,602 682

More poverty in Ontario, OH means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Ontario 436 7 702
New Washington 85 7 678
Lexington 456 8 713
New Pittsburg 9 2 687
Polk 89 4 696
Bloomville 251 26 674
Bucyrus 2,046 16 681
Fitchville 146 12 725
Hayesville 34 9 682
Rochester 32 3 715
Bronson 195 9 744
Marion 10,211 26 682
Grand Prairie 68 4 694
Chatfield 85 15 690
Crestline 984 21 679
Howard 295 5 728
Sullivan 240 9 702
Ashland County 8,281 16 703
Venice 87 4 690
Ruggles 54 5 728
Antrim 105 7 699

Advanced Education levels in Ontario, OH implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Ontario 475 11 702
Lucas 22 6 693
Morrow County 2,030 8 709
Perrysville 4 0 673
Bailey Lakes 20 6 700
Melmore 10 9 710
Bloomville 29 4 674
Knox County 5,100 13 707
Gambier 113 20 769
Hartland 16 2 713
Tiro 3 1 668
Dallas 36 11 698
Marion 1,795 5 682
Willard 307 7 686
Cinnamon Lake 90 12 695
Polk 91 5 696
Reed 10 1 686
Apple Valley 612 16 720
Lexington 795 22 713
Lincoln 84 6 703
Celeryville 27 12 715