
Home location is a big driver of your Eaton, Ohio insurance rates so getting quotes from top companies will keep your costs down.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Eaton, OH the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Eaton 6465 5 686
New Madison 610 7 678
Turtlecreek 13,647 4 770
Liberty 25,834 3 764
Somerville 203 9 690
Hanover 6,828 3 728
Hamilton 48,234 7 692
Clay 7,257 3 714
Dixon 576 2 704
Greensfork, IN 848 6 804
Clayton 10,377 6 712
Gratis 3,580 5 725
East Germantown, IN 260 10 782
Kettering 45,238 4 708
Neave 2,018 13 691
New Garden, IN 1,554 2 800
Eldorado 456 7 682
Somers 3,021 7 690
Richmond, IN 29,526 8 794
Millville 684 5 712
Abington, IN 663 9 846

Better incomes in Eaton, OH lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Eaton 22,209 686
West Alexandria 18,842 690
Hollansburg 16,412 662
Franklin 23,350 713
Monroe 30,119 723
Dayton 16,427 673
Wayne County, IN 21,700 804
Oakwood 50,258 776
Miamisburg 26,916 717
West Manchester 17,819 677
Carrollton 23,825 691
Castine 15,524 677
Englewood 25,704 705
New Garden, IN 21,124 800
Somerville 14,900 690
Lanier 22,674 703
Phillipsburg 23,848 686
Somers 20,909 690
New Lebanon 18,521 682
Laura 24,828 696
Camden 17,891 678

More poverty in Eaton, OH means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Eaton 1454 18 686
Moraine 1,380 22 684
Mount Carmel, IN 54 33 736
Seven Mile 84 12 700
Wayne Lakes 126 16 688
New Madison 163 19 678
Wayne County, IN 13,139 19 804
Liberty 1,232 3 764
Gasper 132 3 716
Springboro 566 3 752
Ludlow Falls 33 14 693
Union County, IN 948 12 817
Franklin 4,003 13 713
West Manchester 75 14 677
Potsdam 22 7 695
Israel 63 5 684
Lynn, IN 90 8 784
Trenton 1,081 9 707
West College Corner, IN 107 14 816
Pleasant Hill 103 10 694
Kettering 5,953 10 708

Advanced Education levels in Eaton, OH implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Eaton 580 10 686
Vandalia 1,288 12 713
Millville 47 8 712
Somers 71 2 690
Gasper 239 9 716
Ludlow Falls 2 1 693
Jacksonburg 8 14 682
Liberty 6,707 30 764
Boston, IN 75 11 820
New Paris 61 5 672
Preble County 2,308 8 697
Turtlecreek 1,745 14 770
Phillipsburg 32 7 686
Middletown 3,238 10 690
Darke County 2,523 7 694
Springboro 3,281 30 752
West Alexandria 73 6 690
Williamsdale 14 2 669
Palestine 0 0 664
Wayne Lakes 35 5 688
Butler 1,162 18 726