
Get a wider perspective on the Louisville, Ohio home insurance market to save your money.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Louisville, OH the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Louisville 7124 2 711
Marlboro 3,474 6 730
Perry Heights 6,936 7 695
Malvern 973 2 688
Stark County 300,731 6 703
Dalton 1,410 4 710
Rootstown 6,359 5 724
Meyers Lake 623 7 729
Brady Lake 378 7 701
Bolivar 800 8 693
Portage Lakes 6,137 8 701
Strasburg 2,201 6 711
East Sparta 705 6 682
Minerva 3,046 6 679
Homeworth 458 11 705
Sandy 2,937 5 695
Nimishillen 7,977 5 709
Perry 23,282 6 697
Magnolia 658 1 701
Silver Lake 2,082 3 752
North Canton 14,412 4 715

Better incomes in Louisville, OH lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Louisville 24,153 711
16,890 711
Chippewa 26,705 721
Rootstown 24,631 724
Alliance 16,935 681
Rose 27,287 697
Ellsworth 24,869 742
Stark County 24,278 703
Dellroy 14,102 677
Sawyerwood 20,994 686
Plain 28,531 715
Dover 21,291 694
Lake 29,764 733
Canal Fulton 23,003 709
Silver Lake 50,068 752
Malvern 18,371 688
Charlestown 24,206 684
Waynesburg 21,144 683
Mogadore 21,366 697
Akron 19,896 681
Palmyra 25,914 725

More poverty in Louisville, OH means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Louisville 762 8 711
Robertsville 41 13 697
North Canton 1,213 7 715
Strasburg 252 9 711
Smith 646 14 677
Marshallville 31 3 700
Tuscarawas 600 10 710
Dellroy 22 8 677
Salem 2,861 24 679
Fox 220 24 699
Summitville 23 11 675
Sebring 746 17 670
Lake 1,423 4 733
Beach City 167 14 659
Chippewa 674 6 721
Rochester 105 58 660
Ellsworth 257 13 742
Marlboro 265 6 730
Augusta 267 16 715
Rose 105 8 697
Craig Beach 162 15 684

Advanced Education levels in Louisville, OH implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Louisville 808 12 711
Hanoverton 15 4 673
Marshallville 51 9 700
Portage County 16,084 15 718
Malvern 74 9 688
Craig Beach 69 8 684
Magnolia 73 12 701
Ellsworth 187 12 742
Augusta 50 4 715
Lakemore 229 10 695
Greentown 756 25 741
Beach City 10 1 659
Wilmot 8 4 670
Mount Eaton 8 5 697
Summitville 10 11 675
Chippewa 997 13 721
Brown 537 9 690
Atwater 130 6 699
Perry Heights 502 8 695
Brady Lake 40 11 701
Canal Fulton 660 18 709