
Home location is a big driver of your Woodsfield, OH insurance rates so getting quotes from top companies will keep your costs down.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Woodsfield, OH the costlier the insurance

City Unemploymed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Woodsfield 2014 3 673
Belle Valley 223 14 670
Fairview 155 5 753
Mead 4,985 4 681
Devola 2,168 4 724
Lowell 385 3 671
Hannibal 406 0 679
Bellaire 3,551 7 659
Sarahsville 149 4 664
Marietta 11,899 5 690
Salesville 158 14 670
Millwood 1,170 10 678
Matamoras 621 10 674
Buffalo 653 8 701
Ludlow 238 0 697
Monroe County 11,943 3 686
Byesville 1,945 7 677
Lafferty 433 0 625
St. Clairsville 4,274 2 718
St. Marys, WV 1,878 4 905
Pleasants County, WV 6,265 5 898

Better incomes in Woodsfield, OH lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Woodsfield 19541 673
Richland 25,529 716
Lowell 22,159 671
Washington County 23,137 693
McMechen, WV 20,568 885
Graysville 21,184 658
Powhatan Point 20,302 670
Marietta 22,182 690
New Martinsville, WV 21,248 899
Dexter City 13,650 661
St. Marys, WV 20,075 905
Moundsville, WV 30,502 888
Pleasants County, WV 20,003 898
Bethlehem, WV 29,461 924
Byesville 16,887 677
Monroe County 21,466 686
Newport 24,776 692
Enoch 16,252 720
Reader, WV 23,371 884
Noble County 18,785 680
Summerfield 26,669 661

More poverty in Woodsfield, OH means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Woodsfield 648 26 673
Matamoras 295 36 674
Belmont, WV 212 19 910
Miltonsburg 0 0 691
Cumberland 61 14 667
Summerfield 53 20 661
Sunsbury 236 20 676
Batesville 9 12 621
Lafferty 146 30 625
St. Clairsville 157 3 718
Powhatan Point 368 21 670
Wills 394 22 683
Caldwell 263 16 674
Flushing 222 11 672
Wheeling, WV 5,005 18 898
Buffalo 44 5 701
Ludlow 33 12 697
Noble County 1,697 14 680
Devola 193 7 724
Cambridge 3,217 22 683
Lansing 235 44 635

Advanced Education levels in Woodsfield, OH implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Woodsfield 161 9 673
Paden City, WV 177 9 887
Noble County 661 6 680
Fairview 0 0 753
Lafferty 19 5 625
Lansing 6 1 635
Switzerland 14 3 668
Stafford 5 6 657
Monroe County 701 6 686
Jacksonburg, WV 0 0 880
St. Clairsville 672 17 718
Wills 93 8 683
Shadyside 355 12 680
Bridgeport 96 7 666
Newport 196 13 692
Pultney 444 7 677
Enoch 11 2 720
Benwood, WV 42 4 875
Summerfield 8 4 661
Buffalo 23 3 701
Hannibal 10 3 679