
Your home location & surrounding characteristics count a lot towards your Fairfield Beach, OH Home rate. Use it to get a good deal.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Fairfield Beach, OH the costlier the insurance

City Unemploymed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Fairfield Beach 1066 5 698
Harbor Hills 1,250 2 730
Martinsburg 220 13 688
Mary Ann 1,694 7 716
Whitehall 14,043 9 685
Blacklick Estates 6,262 9 691
Blendon 6,952 3 712
Utica 1,699 8 684
Hocking 4,114 2 730
Amanda 2,107 2 733
Cass 1,162 6 724
Thornville 824 4 710
St. Louisville 259 4 681
Clearcreek 2,924 7 717
Baltimore 2,150 9 696
Thornport 1,216 4 783
Lockbourne 249 15 682
Muskingum 3,340 3 715
Good Hope 1,186 7 718
Brownsville 128 7 727
Licking 3,888 3 733

Better incomes in Fairfield Beach, OH lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Fairfield Beach 17959 698
Thorn 30,984 714
Westerville 36,857 751
Falls 19,583 691
Bladensburg 15,018 629
Utica 16,158 684
Baltimore 18,680 696
Marne 27,537 719
Bearfield 16,632 693
Mifflin 34,060 734
Zanesville 27,183 714
Glenford 16,683 688
Licking County 26,295 719
Thornport 32,229 783
Miller 25,309 734
Sugar Grove 20,128 704
Martinsburg 14,736 688
Cass 24,591 724
Obetz 21,197 692
Millersport 21,651 714
Fultonham 18,819 647

More poverty in Fairfield Beach, OH means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Fairfield Beach 174 13 698
New Lexington 1,101 22 676
Pike 1,399 20 683
Thornport 38 2 783
Columbus 169,372 21 710
Alexandria 27 7 712
Hide-A-Way Hills 22 3 732
Fairfield County 16,332 11 727
Zanesville 175 5 714
Westerville 2,498 7 751
Greenfield 415 7 740
Junction City 290 35 681
Baltimore 820 27 696
Huber Ridge 356 7 704
Gahanna 1,472 4 737
Truro 4,791 17 707
Millersport 314 27 714
Kirkersville 67 11 695
Rushville 70 24 712
Canal Winchester 147 2 739
Violet 1,567 4 748

Advanced Education levels in Fairfield Beach, OH implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Fairfield Beach 65 6 698
Licking 420 12 733
Cass 57 5 724
Good Hope 126 11 718
Brownsville 0 0 727
Rushville 31 17 712
Hocking 259 7 730
Pleasant Grove 64 5 706
Huber Ridge 493 16 704
Etna 2,620 24 725
New Albany 1,862 38 918
Columbus 109,734 21 710
St. Louisville 16 6 681
Hide-A-Way Hills 170 25 732
Thornville 61 8 710
Madison 2,202 14 717
Lancaster 2,637 10 699
Frazeysburg 70 6 683
Bloom 1,148 20 759
Rockbridge 0 0 629
Logan 482 9 688