
A Look at what important things contribute to your Sterling, OK Home Insurance rates which can support you in getting a cheap quote.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Sterling, OK the costlier the insurance

City Unemploymed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Sterling 465 3 1426
Fort Cobb 1,364 4 1,413
Rush Springs 2,554 2 1,413
Manitou 206 3 1,357
Walnut 667 7 1,399
Lindsay 3,695 2 1,429
Bradley 141 4 1,378
Indiahoma 227 4 1,387
Washington 454 4 1,459
Elmore City 2,290 1 1,409
Fort Sill 8,479 1 2,028
Purcell 13,450 2 1,469
Mountain Park 330 4 1,361
Dibble 883 2 1,413
Geronimo 906 6 1,423
Lawton 74,428 4 1,453
Addington 103 0 1,371
Gracemont 213 0 1,395
Marlow 6,454 3 1,432
Comanche County 95,586 4 1,458
Fletcher 733 2 1,425

Better incomes in Sterling, OK lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Sterling 18345 1426
Grandfield 13,573 1,380
Bray 21,397 1,431
Walnut 22,901 1,399
Alex 22,666 1,410
Ninnekah 25,878 1,457
Hinton 15,844 1,429
Verden 18,153 1,396
Roosevelt 30,427 1,472
Maysville 16,079 1,404
Fort Cobb 18,293 1,413
Tuttle 25,208 1,495
Elmore City 22,860 1,409
Healdton 17,729 1,412
Tillman 16,240 1,411
Cotton County 21,846 1,424
Lookeba 17,580 1,389
Walters 22,373 1,417
Bridge Creek 32,468 1,484
Eakly 12,358 1,405
Minco 22,337 1,427

More poverty in Sterling, OK means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Sterling 148 24 1426
Ninnekah 103 10 1,457
Katie 16 6 1,419
Mountain View 160 10 1,382
Sugden 10 23 1,373
Medicine Park 78 28 1,458
Eakly 141 33 1,405
Blanchard 1,901 12 1,495
Carnegie 736 23 1,409
Chickasha 3,423 17 1,430
Rush Springs 689 21 1,413
Indiahoma 96 34 1,387
Marlow 1,038 12 1,432
Lawton 15,308 17 1,453
Erin Springs 23 20 1,449
Cole 57 8 1,455
Central High 113 11 1,461
Lookeba 20 12 1,389
Lindsay 693 14 1,429
Geronimo 180 15 1,423
Elmore City 435 15 1,409

Advanced Education levels in Sterling, OK implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Sterling 38 9 1426
Tillman 151 16 1,411
Hinton 251 5 1,429
Cotton 114 14 1,414
Mountain Park 19 7 1,361
Marlow 723 12 1,432
Apache 236 12 1,424
Walnut 43 7 1,399
Elmore City 217 10 1,409
Cache 147 9 1,429
Bray 78 8 1,431
Ratliff City 3 5 1,429
Bridge Creek 22 5 1,484
Bradley 2 2 1,378
Katie 6 3 1,419
Amber 16 6 1,412
Grandfield 71 11 1,380
Erin Springs 12 13 1,449
Snyder 130 9 1,400
Grady County 4,191 12 1,457
Blanchard 1,589 15 1,495