
See what's important for Brushy, OK Home Insurance to get a good deal from a top insurance company.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Brushy, OK the costlier the insurance

City Unemploymed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Brushy 563 3 1408
Briggs 153 4 1,492
Rudy, AR 783 2 1,133
Gans 382 4 1,386
Fairfield 238 0 1,416
Vineyard, AR 169 7 1,130
River Bottom 213 4 1,447
Sallisaw 7,345 4 1,442
Proctor 231 6 1,512
Notchietown 293 0 1,434
Lon Norris, AR 6,342 1 1,150
Mulberry 56 0 1,445
Uniontown, AR 554 4 1,076
Panama 1,249 3 1,387
Sequoyah County 32,515 6 1,429
Dry Creek 233 0 1,378
Fort Coffee 321 9 1,377
Tahlequah 18,310 5 1,457
Welling 493 1 1,411
Dora, AR 904 1 1,147
Stilwell 2,711 6 1,409

Better incomes in Brushy, OK lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Brushy 24413 1408
Lon Norris, AR 37,546 1,150
Fort Smith, AR 22,126 1,110
Flute Springs 7,488 1,413
Van Buren, AR 18,120 1,098
Keys 14,009 1,409
Stoney Point 19,758 1,442
Wauhillau 16,457 1,400
Bonanza, AR 25,171 1,078
Cedarville, AR 19,060 1,122
Remy 25,998 1,434
Piney 14,709 1,479
Crawford County, AR 18,737 1,102
Christie 15,684 1,554
Cedar Creek, AR 14,295 1,072
Brent 16,905 1,426
Arkoma 15,854 1,417
Pettit 27,688 1,445
Muldrow 17,854 1,435
Upper, AR 20,131 1,099
Fort Coffee 16,277 1,377

More poverty in Brushy, OK means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Brushy 69 10 1408
Vian 1,828 23 1,420
Dutch Mills, AR 23 10 1,227
Sand Hill 35 10 1,402
Arkoma 698 34 1,417
Cherokee County 11,089 24 1,440
Crawford County, AR 11,777 19 1,102
Welling 57 8 1,411
Zion 0 0 1,341
Proctor 50 19 1,512
Cedar Creek, AR 17 1 1,072
Carlisle 17 5 1,576
Fairfield 114 37 1,416
Zeb 153 27 1,449
Morrow, AR 44 15 1,146
Box 19 12 1,402
Simms 18 6 1,414
Flute Springs 64 44 1,413
Tamaha 28 23 1,370
Dora, AR 147 12 1,147
Vineyard, AR 0 0 1,130

Advanced Education levels in Brushy, OK implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Brushy 82 15 1408
Cowlington 3 3 1,400
Bokoshe 10 3 1,390
Lon Norris, AR 1,070 19 1,150
Nicut 11 6 1,415
Brent 57 14 1,426
Woodall 68 12 1,439
Dora, AR 80 11 1,147
Spiro 221 4 1,423
Muldrow 645 9 1,435
Briggs 9 6 1,492
Oliver Springs, AR 44 3 1,114
Piney 31 43 1,479
Long 10 8 1,374
Gore 64 8 1,424
Tenkiller 14 2 1,426
Badger Lee 0 0 1,341
Upper, AR 6,112 12 1,099
Sour John 0 0 1,404
Sand Hill 17 6 1,402
Zion 0 0 1,341