
Home location is a big driver of your Wagoner, Oklahoma insurance rates so getting quotes from top companies will keep your costs down.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Wagoner, OK the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Wagoner 13675 6 1448
Woodall 604 3 1,439
Salina 963 4 1,406
Rocky Ford 45 6 1,403
Wagoner County 56,127 4 1,483
Mayes County 31,839 5 1,445
Pettit 804 2 1,445
Adair 4,491 2 1,453
Muskogee County 54,926 4 1,431
Pump Back 198 0 1,383
Jenks 12,314 1 1,521
Zeb 442 3 1,449
Foyil 246 4 1,428
Shady Grove 412 4 1,467
Lost City 576 9 1,435
Oaks 302 4 1,391
Broken Arrow 74,704 3 1,496
Fair Oaks 100 1 1,635
Tiawah 223 0 1,564
Verdigris 3,218 1 1,488
Mazie 77 0 1,395

Better incomes in Wagoner, OK lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Wagoner 19,691 1,448
Limestone 28,290 1,591
Snake Creek 14,677 1,505
Claremore 25,147 1,475
Oktaha 12,970 1,401
Morris 21,886 1,418
Sour John 29,103 1,404
Pryor Creek 21,196 1,448
Salina 16,771 1,406
Sequoyah 33,433 1,481
Mayes 16,657 1,429
Chouteau 21,929 1,424
Tahlequah 16,902 1,457
Kenwood 14,279 1,425
Muskogee County 19,525 1,431
Jenks 30,915 1,521
Pump Back 21,231 1,383
Shady Grove 17,177 1,467
Porter 16,210 1,404
Park Hill 14,088 1,412
Tiawah 24,455 1,564

More poverty in Wagoner, OK means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Wagoner 3287 19 1448
Gideon 0 0 1,340
Steely Hollow 65 77 1,489
Hulbert 1,267 18 1,434
Tahlequah 6,134 28 1,457
Boynton 137 15 1,401
Coweta 4,271 8 1,496
Rentiesville 38 33 1,401
Wickliffe 0 0 1,291
Gore 179 17 1,424
Inola 573 10 1,470
Pryor Creek 3,573 18 1,448
Rogers County 7,994 9 1,489
River Bottom 94 37 1,447
Shady Grove 207 37 1,467
Justice 49 3 1,485
Braggs 23 10 1,402
Dry Creek 81 25 1,378
Limestone 23 3 1,591
Mayes 2,227 27 1,429
Wainwright 61 42 1,397

Advanced Education levels in Wagoner, OK implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Wagoner 1319 11 1448
Snake Creek 0 0 1,505
Fort Gibson 387 14 1,453
Muskogee County 5,663 12 1,431
Summit 6 6 1,347
Pettit 204 27 1,445
Mazie 0 0 1,395
Wainwright 0 0 1,397
Strang 1 2 1,363
Eldon 26 14 1,516
Owasso 3,997 21 1,498
Coweta 6,434 18 1,496
Sequoyah 42 9 1,481
Tulsa 2,163 16 1,483
Kansas 260 8 1,404
Hoot Owl 0 0 1,284
Park Hill 234 11 1,412
Gideon 0 0 1,340
Welling 80 18 1,411
Tulsa County 78,035 19 1,480
Pin Oak Acres 19 6 1,419