
Here is what is significant in Blackwell, Oklahoma Home Insurance so you can use it to get a cheap rate from multiple companies.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Blackwell, OK the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Blackwell 6356 4 1388
Geuda Springs, KS 131 6 942
Wellington, KS 6,391 5 958
Carrier 37 0 1,424
Breckenridge 192 0 1,420
Palestine, KS 184 6 1,052
Braman 498 3 1,407
Foraker 11 0 1,322
Conway, KS 1,060 5 983
Wakita 548 5 1,390
Pleasant Valley, KS 734 1 993
Garfield 2,691 2 1,446
Tonkawa 3,007 3 1,409
London, KS 722 3 1,032
Fairmont 130 0 1,402
Maple, KS 665 1 981
Red Rock 152 3 1,371
Webb City 51 0 1,379
Valverde, KS 102 0 1,037
Billings 646 1 1,386
Hunnewell, KS 21 0 914

Better incomes in Blackwell, OK lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Blackwell 19,995 1,388
Maple, KS 20,634 981
Ryan, KS 12,589 924
Garfield 29,236 1,446
Morrison 21,999 1,413
Milan, KS 13,963 926
Dexter, KS 23,542 949
Kaw City 22,931 1,429
Conway, KS 19,534 983
Nash 22,860 1,410
Jefferson 29,472 1,341
Ralston 19,898 1,368
Seventy-Six, KS 17,527 779
Harmon, KS 17,778 983
Argonia, KS 20,874 953
Hunnewell, KS 16,083 914
Geuda Springs, KS 19,644 942
Avon, KS 22,312 1,013
Newkirk 19,058 1,422
Kildare 28,943 1,390
Kay County 21,818 1,422

More poverty in Blackwell, OK means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Blackwell 1696 21 1388
Dixon, KS 138 20 962
Pawnee 766 14 1,417
Conway Springs, KS 324 20 973
Conway, KS 326 21 983
Billings 137 18 1,386
Creek, KS 42 11 956
Bluff, KS 0 0 921
Sumner County, KS 3,171 13 970
London, KS 72 8 1,032
Danville, KS 37 48 929
Morris, KS 0 0 883
Glencoe 51 9 1,387
Skedee 10 20 1,379
Winfield, KS 2,060 18 969
Caldwell, KS 118 9 946
Pleasant Valley, KS 178 19 993
Enid 8,229 15 1,434
Belle Plaine, KS 332 10 979
Newkirk 454 12 1,422
Ralston 37 13 1,368

Advanced Education levels in Blackwell, OK implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Blackwell 533 9 1388
Red Rock 3 2 1,371
Foraker 0 0 1,322
Kay County 3,941 12 1,422
Mulvane, KS 804 19 995
Cowley County, KS 2,872 12 970
Manchester 1 1 1,381
Billings 62 11 1,386
Conway, KS 80 8 983
Pond Creek 74 12 1,400
Maple, KS 46 8 981
Osage 72 7 1,411
Newkirk 266 10 1,422
Kildare 2 3 1,390
Harmon, KS 0 0 983
Creswell, KS 209 13 990
Noble 282 14 1,429
Wellington, KS 670 12 958
Webb City 0 0 1,379
Morrison 73 15 1,413
Vernon, KS 21 6 964