
Where we Live in Pawhuska, Oklahoma counts towards how cheap our home insurance can get, so keep this in mind while getting quotes.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Pawhuska, OK the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Pawhuska 5948 4 1416
Hominy 4,753 3 1,397
Pawnee 4,219 3 1,417
Duck Creek, KS 60 0 917
Nowata County 8,380 4 1,420
Oak Valley, KS 122 0 969
Fawn Creek, KS 1,581 1 983
Osage County 37,519 4 1,439
Washington County 40,520 3 1,453
Parker, KS 726 4 971
Elgin, KS 112 8 928
Collinsville 4,107 3 1,472
Tulsa 9,855 4 1,487
Chautauqua County, KS 2,976 3 944
Rogers County 67,265 3 1,489
Coffeyville 592 5 1,410
Lenapah 223 7 1,409
Niotaze, KS 86 3 899
Catoosa 18,868 3 1,526
Oologah 768 7 1,458
Oak Grove 11 0 1,352

Better incomes in Pawhuska, OK lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Pawhuska 19,903 1,416
Skedee 26,465 1,379
New Alluwe 16,955 1,413
Grenola, KS 19,185 924
Montgomery County, KS 21,696 965
Blackburn 16,152 1,427
Grainola 16,439 1,391
Osage 24,386 1,365
Bartlesville 27,784 1,451
Skiatook 19,824 1,441
Cleveland 20,904 1,430
Tulsa 24,198 1,487
Collinsville 24,612 1,472
Havana, KS 19,176 927
Burbank 26,978 1,379
Kildare 28,943 1,390
Cowley County, KS 21,245 970
Newkirk 19,058 1,422
Hallett 14,088 1,431
Sedan, KS 21,988 951
Valley Park 66,946 2,024

More poverty in Pawhuska, OK means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Pawhuska 1170 16 1416
Prue 96 22 1,410
Hendricks, KS 29 15 925
Vera 13 5 1,490
Shidler 57 13 1,386
Parker, KS 8 1 971
Nowata County 1,813 17 1,420
Peru, KS 22 14 930
Kildare 4 5 1,390
Elk County, KS 507 18 946
Osage 11 7 1,365
Braden 326 13 1,447
Independence, KS 1,930 20 960
Terlton 18 16 1,383
Barnsdall 441 13 1,410
Duck Creek, KS 0 0 917
Windsor, KS 11 12 935
Chautauqua County, KS 542 15 944
Wann 262 10 1,426
Burbank 11 7 1,379
Webb City 12 23 1,379

Advanced Education levels in Pawhuska, OK implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Pawhuska 624 12 1416
Catoosa 3,349 20 1,526
Tulsa 1,292 14 1,487
Pawnee 552 14 1,417
Parker, KS 58 9 971
Burbank 3 2 1,379
Tyro, KS 31 18 958
Dearing, KS 62 16 939
Rogers County 9,302 16 1,489
Oak Valley, KS 38 37 969
Grenola, KS 10 7 924
Talala 619 13 1,485
Drum Creek, KS 69 13 1,080
Skedee 1 2 1,379
Dewey 58 2 1,404
Limestone 81 16 1,591
Havana, KS 9 8 927
Hendricks, KS 30 18 925
Hallett 0 0 1,431
Cedar Vale, KS 42 12 932
Lafayette, KS 0 0 908