
A Look at what important things contribute to your Jay, Oklahoma Home Insurance rates which can support you in getting a cheap quote.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Jay, OK the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Jay 7395 5 1441
West Siloam Springs 621 6 1,418
Decatur, AR 1,229 1 1,107
Fairland 787 3 1,409
Peggs 694 4 1,413
McMillen Coy, MO 792 6 1,008
Leach 172 1 1,437
White Water 87 33 1,332
Anderson East, MO 1,378 4 945
Anderson West, MO 1,507 7 946
Pineville, MO 1,194 3 936
Twin Oaks 264 0 1,443
Hoot Owl 9 0 1,284
Copeland 1,389 4 1,450
Dennis 104 0 1,408
Rose 37 0 1,663
Bella Vista, AR 21,767 2 1,143
Cleora 1,255 2 1,602
Maysville, AR 55 0 1,080
Ginger Blue, MO 95 18 1,120
Gentry, AR 2,259 4 1,092

Better incomes in Jay, OK lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Jay 17,851 1,441
Lanagan, MO 13,667 956
Teresita 18,386 1,457
Adair 23,185 1,453
Twin Oaks 19,114 1,443
Cherokee City, AR 9,788 1,008
Ballou 36,391 1,413
Flint Creek 17,581 1,437
Delaware County 20,561 1,448
Cloud Creek 5,667 1,340
Wickliffe 30,823 1,291
Ginger Blue, MO 30,700 1,120
Elk River West, MO 11,914 928
Grand Lake Towne 37,494 1,530
Fairland 15,279 1,409
Sycamore 7,382 1,358
Hiwasse, AR 14,681 1,242
Sportsmen Acres 26,856 1,436
West Siloam Springs 16,550 1,418
Cherokee 19,804 1,424
Cleora 32,317 1,602

More poverty in Jay, OK means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Jay 2387 25 1441
Old Eucha 15 100 1,428
Salina 337 28 1,406
Kenwood 252 20 1,425
Colcord 1,048 19 1,414
Copeland 314 19 1,450
Sportsmen Acres 50 15 1,436
Chewey 31 17 1,470
Rocky Ford 10 19 1,403
Drowning Creek 11 9 1,368
Flint Creek 58 9 1,437
Hoot Owl 0 0 1,284
Miami 3,967 20 1,422
Afton 312 40 1,391
Highfill, AR 51 11 1,157
Locust Grove 1,495 19 1,420
Spavinaw 223 38 1,384
Dotyville 0 0 1,453
Ballou 0 0 1,413
Bernice 106 20 1,420
Disney 54 28 1,392

Advanced Education levels in Jay, OK implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Jay 629 9 1441
Pineville Lanagan, MO 43 8 938
Old Eucha 0 0 1,428
Zena 0 0 1,433
Peggs 69 11 1,413
Ketchum 25 8 1,410
Brush Creek 0 0 1,341
Pineville, MO 98 9 936
Bernice 29 7 1,420
McMillen Tiff, MO 64 25 974
Drowning Creek 0 0 1,368
Wickliffe 0 0 1,291
Watts 213 11 1,428
Cherokee 478 14 1,424
Delaware County 3,057 10 1,448
Snake Creek 0 0 1,505
Cayuga 8 11 1,404
Adair 539 12 1,453
Chewey 5 4 1,470
Maysville, AR 0 0 1,080
McDonald County, MO 1,044 7 944