
A Look at what matters in Mooreland, OK Home Insurance to help you focus on the right things to lower your quote.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Mooreland, OK the costlier the insurance

City Unemploymed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Mooreland 1641 3 1440
Aetna, KS 19 0 909
Ellis County 3,244 1 1,423
Mutual 53 0 1,345
Gate 55 3 1,390
Shattuck 961 1 1,412
Follett, TX 585 4 1,003
Alfalfa 532 1 1,402
Canton 1,063 3 1,400
Barber County, KS 3,969 1 950
Jet 157 3 1,379
May 25 0 1,438
Woodward County 15,751 2 1,436
Butler 878 1 1,448
Custer County 21,844 2 1,455
Arnett 450 1 1,405
Carmen 654 1 1,377
Avilla, KS 56 0 984
Hardtner, KS 149 0 932
Oakwood 48 0 1,376
Goltry 192 3 1,353

Better incomes in Mooreland, OK lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Mooreland 23256 1440
Strong City 34,920 1,381
Butler 26,449 1,448
Taloga 31,368 1,406
Seiling 27,068 1,411
Isabella 24,171 1,367
Fort Supply 18,208 1,404
Vici 19,317 1,427
Shattuck 27,117 1,412
Capron 18,457 1,352
Comanche County, KS 21,954 945
Roger Mills County 27,409 1,429
Hitchcock 13,803 1,389
Lahoma 16,401 1,407
Carrier 42,167 1,424
Leedey 21,032 1,382
Nescatunga 9,573 1,374
Gage 19,808 1,411
Powell, KS 16,378 932
Aline 21,623 1,359
Canton 22,293 1,400

More poverty in Mooreland, OK means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Mooreland 192 8 1440
Chester 28 19 1,437
Fairview 677 15 1,422
Hazelton, KS 9 5 966
Seiling 191 11 1,411
Follett, TX 91 12 1,003
Woodward 2,104 12 1,440
Harper County 455 12 1,411
Putnam 37 56 1,354
Powell, KS 0 0 932
Freedom 59 25 1,405
Canton 169 11 1,400
Vici 236 15 1,427
Aline 28 14 1,359
Mutual 3 5 1,345
Ashland, KS 193 18 946
Burlington 81 36 1,405
Fargo 64 22 1,405
Camargo 28 11 1,458
Hardtner, KS 38 20 932
Gate 0 0 1,390

Advanced Education levels in Mooreland, OK implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Mooreland 226 16 1440
Nash 10 6 1,410
Alfalfa County 629 14 1,407
May 0 0 1,438
Helena 258 14 1,442
Hillsdale 3 3 1,386
Cherokee 252 16 1,404
Carmen 56 9 1,377
Nippawalla, KS 6 75 909
Camargo 11 7 1,458
Oakwood 4 8 1,376
Ashland, KS 154 21 946
Woodward County 2,026 15 1,436
Follett, TX 96 18 1,003
Major County 619 11 1,433
Chester 8 8 1,437
Amorita 0 0 1,340
Sharon 3 11 1,344
Ames 7 3 1,386
Laverne 123 10 1,423
Protection, KS 125 23 956