
Your Eddyville, OR Neighborhood & location are big factors in your home insurance costs so make sure you see many quotes before you buy.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Eddyville, OR the costlier the insurance

City Unemploymed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Eddyville 696 0 434
Amity 6,979 7 453
Coburg 1,737 5 447
Dunes City 2,349 3 452
Brooks 489 17 414
Crabtree 268 5 432
Holley 375 8 458
Lyons 795 4 438
Junction City 9,737 7 446
Labish Village 159 12 413
Tangent 929 6 429
Four Corners 12,081 13 433
Brownsville 3,445 5 445
Polk County 59,142 5 445
Jefferson 9,248 7 442
Independence 6,169 7 436
McMinnville 26,765 6 443
Harrisburg 5,335 3 441
Monmouth 7,872 6 441
Toledo 4,269 6 445
Neskowin 1,910 3 444

Better incomes in Eddyville, OR lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Eddyville 25396 434
Depoe Bay 24,321 453
Pacific City 14,656 466
Toledo 20,976 445
Monmouth 16,497 441
Lebanon 20,969 433
Lincoln County 25,177 449
Creswell 26,205 445
Jefferson 24,889 442
Amity 25,275 453
Dunes City 26,230 452
Turner 19,337 443
Crabtree 28,656 432
Dallas 23,330 444
Alsea 12,874 429
Lafayette 18,033 437
Albany 21,430 437
Neskowin 18,178 444
Willamina 21,552 441
Halsey 16,090 434
Harrisburg 24,920 441

More poverty in Eddyville, OR means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Eddyville 189 21 434
Pacific City 250 23 466
Siletz 476 14 443
Coburg 244 11 447
Corvallis 15,913 26 453
Gervais 685 28 432
Peoria 0 0 459
Keizer 5,186 14 444
Monroe 73 11 431
Four Corners 3,754 23 433
Grand Ronde 257 17 427
McMinnville 5,944 18 443
Jefferson 1,722 14 442
Benton County 17,418 21 455
Salem 40,670 18 441
Brownsville 518 11 445
Junction City 1,862 15 446
Labish Village 44 22 413
Cloverdale 124 36 446
Independence 2,244 26 436
Upper Siuslaw River 275 17 456

Advanced Education levels in Eddyville, OR implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Eddyville 38 5 434
Eola 0 0 405
Crabtree 0 0 432
Bellfountain 0 0 405
Amity 845 13 453
Summit 24 36 405
Dallas 2,058 15 444
Newport 1,929 20 453
Neskowin 326 19 444
Rose Lodge 114 8 437
Triangle Lake 188 12 443
Labish Village 0 0 413
St. Paul 174 17 471
Eugene 22,649 22 449
Monmouth 822 19 441
Shedd 0 0 453
Beaver 255 14 450
Toledo 314 8 445
Pacific City 118 16 466
Lebanon 1,769 10 433
Depoe Bay 696 19 453