
A Look at what important things contribute to your Crook County, Oregon Home Insurance rates which can support you in getting a cheap quote.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Crook County, OR the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Crook County 17088 9 442
Seneca 233 10 413
Hines 1,255 6 425
Arlington 688 6 433
Dallesport, WA 1,103 2 576
Gilliam County 1,579 5 425
Morrow County 8,444 6 425
Linn County 91,671 5 438
Pronghorn 14 0 585
Monument 85 5 422
Pine Grove 149 2 433
Jefferson County 16,838 9 435
Long Creek 774 4 425
Marion 1,958 9 437
Grass Valley 117 1 425
Lonerock 22 0 440
Oakridge 3,730 6 437
Granite 17 35 425
Moro 644 4 428
Canyon City 522 5 431
Summer Lake 544 4 425

Better incomes in Crook County, OR lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Crook County 20,695 442
Harney County 21,624 425
Three Rivers 36,395 462
Prairie City 22,998 431
Terrebonne 25,027 432
Westfir 18,931 434
Dayville 18,850 430
Long Creek 23,759 425
Powell Butte 29,653 460
Gilliam County 26,315 425
Granite 17,053 425
Government Camp 121,883 466
Lexington 27,639 426
Drewsey 21,089 437
Tetherow 43,116 480
Sunriver 35,109 484
Linn 24,064 445
Wamic 34,289 405
Crooked River 18,944 445
Gates 20,524 444
Camp Sherman 30,196 497

More poverty in Crook County, OR means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Crook County 3631 17 442
Fort Rock 367 21 421
Fossil 45 9 426
Gilliam County 238 12 425
Linn County 19,237 16 438
Black Butte Ranch 0 0 523
Parkdale 64 4 450
Eagle Crest 76 4 487
Lonerock 0 0 440
Linn 304 13 445
Culver 1,231 17 436
Dayville 15 8 430
Seventh Mountain 0 0 515
Ashwood 86 18 442
Ukiah 22 18 444
La Pine 460 27 423
Maupin 40 10 433
Crescent Lake 535 16 435
Camp Sherman 3 0 497
Metolius 134 18 422
Oakridge 790 17 437

Advanced Education levels in Crook County, OR implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Crook County 1440 9 442
La Pine 86 8 423
Seventh Mountain 61 27 515
Lonerock 0 0 440
Eagle Crest 347 24 487
Heppner 136 9 429
Camp Sherman 111 41 497
Silver Lake 0 0 405
Tetherow 0 0 480
Cascadia 0 0 405
Grandview 129 27 475
Moro 97 17 428
Hines 87 8 425
Drewsey 143 15 437
Sisters 250 18 462
Sunriver 206 20 484
Linn 126 8 445
Estacada 1,529 13 463
Mill City 484 10 449
McKenzie River 658 18 466
Madras 841 13 433