
A Look at what important things contribute to your Elgin, OR Home Insurance rates which can support you in getting a cheap quote.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Elgin, OR the costlier the insurance

City Unemploymed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Elgin 2501 5 440
Sweetwater, ID 81 17 497
Tutuilla 365 6 432
Pomeroy, WA 1,500 3 572
Waitsburg, WA 1,985 1 593
Baker County 13,396 6 435
Garfield County, WA 1,897 4 574
Adams 280 4 437
Sumpter 131 9 435
White Bird, ID 109 1 484
Richland, WA 37,857 3 587
Haines 1,766 2 453
Eureka Flat, WA 1,111 2 567
Dixie, WA 166 0 573
Pasco, WA 9,955 3 583
Gopher Flats 372 8 441
Clarkston, WA 14,446 4 580
Pilot Rock 1,791 8 428
Baker City 8,935 6 432
Columbia County, WA 3,351 3 577
La Grande 13,560 4 433

Better incomes in Elgin, OR lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Elgin 21723 440
Walla Walla, WA 21,430 585
Uniontown, WA 32,859 589
Milton Freewater 18,230 431
Starkey 29,555 466
Cottonwood, ID 19,380 511
Flora 27,355 471
Lewiston, ID 24,451 513
Wallowa Lake 12,752 405
Imbler 25,144 444
Clarkston, WA 22,982 580
Lewis, ID 23,346 522
Imnaha 13,496 427
Richland 17,796 430
Summerville 21,374 424
Mission 15,723 430
Ukiah 20,821 444
Baker City 21,194 432
Snake River, WA 33,992 587
Tutuilla 21,373 432
Umatilla 12,267 426

More poverty in Elgin, OR means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Elgin 457 14 440
Franklin County, WA 16,536 21 577
White Bird, ID 14 12 484
Lostine 33 11 428
Snake River, WA 7 1 587
Ukiah 22 18 444
Weston 30 3 434
Baker County 3,059 19 435
Pasco, WA 1,435 9 583
Union 365 11 427
Hereford 108 15 449
College Place, WA 1,565 20 584
Garfield County, WA 213 9 574
Nez Perce County, ID 4,441 11 510
Wallowa Lake 40 71 405
Clarkston Heights-Vineland, WA 317 4 586
Asotin, WA 313 7 599
Stanfield 335 16 424
Richland, WA 4,288 8 587
Culdesac, ID 150 33 482
Island City 211 20 440

Advanced Education levels in Elgin, OR implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Elgin 167 7 440
College Place, WA 1,120 21 584
Pomeroy, WA 247 17 572
Joseph 211 17 450
Stanfield 86 6 424
Halfway 136 16 436
Lewiston, ID 3,493 15 513
Columbia County, WA 336 11 577
Pilot Rock 157 10 428
Walla Walla County, WA 5,671 14 588
White Bird, ID 10 9 484
Clarkston Heights-Vineland, WA 540 10 586
Finley, WA 308 7 574
Pasco, WA 1,421 17 583
Sweetwater, ID 0 0 497
Eagle Valley 83 14 419
Burbank, WA 248 10 579
Asotin County, WA 1,543 10 582
Baker City 1,156 14 432
Irrigon 66 5 423
Granite 0 0 425