
Your Heppner, OR Neighborhood & location are big factors in your home insurance costs so make sure you see many quotes before you buy.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Heppner, OR the costlier the insurance

City Unemploymed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Heppner 1685 3 429
Richland, WA 37,857 3 587
Canyon City 522 5 431
Gilliam County 1,579 5 425
Athena 1,379 2 434
Milton Freewater 8,618 10 431
Condon 891 4 423
Umatilla County 58,178 6 431
Boardman 5,803 7 426
Ukiah 120 4 444
Prairie City 1,096 8 431
Tutuilla 365 6 432
Granite 17 35 425
Dayville 147 5 430
Walla Walla, WA 1,256 0 597
Weston 760 6 434
Sumpter 131 9 435
Lonerock 22 0 440
Centerville, WA 155 2 564
Wishram, WA 277 4 562
Burbank, WA 2,831 2 579

Better incomes in Heppner, OR lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Heppner 22125 429
Centerville, WA 20,135 564
Horse Heaven Hills Plateau, WA 16,782 572
Summerville 21,374 424
Pasco, WA 17,353 575
Garrett, WA 21,538 606
Richland, WA 35,119 587
Milton Freewater 18,230 431
Echo 23,428 426
Sherman County 24,263 432
Dayville 18,850 430
Gopher Flats 22,149 441
Haines 19,118 419
Ione 28,164 427
Helix 18,740 431
Prosser, WA 21,617 571
Ashwood 9,646 442
Mount Vernon 16,806 423
Benton City, WA 23,303 569
Arlington 26,128 433
Imbler 25,144 444

More poverty in Heppner, OR means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Heppner 518 24 429
Roosevelt, WA 131 56 549
Horse Heaven Hills Plateau, WA 441 30 572
Shaniko 3 23 428
Condon 105 10 423
Goldendale, WA 1,906 26 577
Garrett, WA 380 28 606
West Richland, WA 1,127 9 586
Cove 211 8 447
Walla Walla, WA 53 3 597
Cayuse 3 9 423
Helix 28 15 431
Benton City, WA 718 12 569
Klickitat County, WA 3,865 19 589
Gilliam County 238 12 425
Mission 237 26 430
Kennewick, WA 18,866 12 581
Irrigon 351 15 423
La Grande 3,285 20 433
Umatilla 1,290 25 426
Morrow County 1,726 15 425

Advanced Education levels in Heppner, OR implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Heppner 136 9 429
Kirkpatrick 14 11 436
Weston 56 8 434
Lonerock 0 0 440
Helix 16 16 431
Imbler 45 25 444
Umapine 0 0 438
Moro 97 17 428
Bickleton, WA 11 26 568
Granite 0 0 425
Cove 286 16 447
Biggs Junction 0 0 405
Morrow County 557 7 425
Pasco, WA 3,124 9 575
Wheeler County 99 9 426
Adams 19 7 437
Powder 37 12 427
Sherman County 157 11 432
Richland, WA 7,702 23 587
Union County 2,395 14 434
Antelope 69 37 432