
Your home location & surrounding characteristics count a lot towards your Halfway, OR Home rate. Use it to get a good deal.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Halfway, OR the costlier the insurance

City Unemploymed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Halfway 924 8 436
New Plymouth, ID 3,915 5 502
Fruitland, ID 5,764 4 501
White Bird, ID 109 1 484
Cayuse 26 3 423
Adams County, ID 3,317 5 499
Lewiston, ID 27,765 3 513
Summerville 99 14 424
Washington County, ID 8,083 6 502
Ukiah 120 4 444
Enterprise 2,544 8 445
Horseshoe Bend, ID 1,571 13 515
Weston 760 6 434
Emmett Bench, ID 2,304 8 512
Union 2,478 3 427
New Meadows, ID 1,197 9 508
Annex 241 7 432
Eagle, ID 25,034 3 540
Baker City 8,935 6 432
Owyhee 517 1 445
Imnaha 210 4 427

Better incomes in Halfway, OR lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Halfway 22022 436
Pilot Rock 22,292 428
Asotin, WA 30,326 599
Middleton, ID 21,439 513
Boise County, ID 24,208 523
Donnelly, ID 17,633 511
New Meadows, ID 21,565 508
Union 19,903 427
Malheur Junction 24,760 430
Sumpter 25,527 435
Cottonwood, ID 19,380 511
Cascade, ID 26,777 510
Midvale, ID 20,976 495
Adrian 29,085 447
Hidden Spring, ID 37,314 571
Wallowa 20,003 436
Washington County, ID 19,582 502
Cayuse 28,313 423
Gem County, ID 19,838 505
Bench 15,991 471
Milton Freewater 18,230 431

More poverty in Halfway, OR means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Halfway 192 17 436
Vale 785 20 429
Emmett, ID 1,685 26 496
Owyhee 30 4 445
Wilder, ID 923 18 508
Mission 237 26 430
Weiser, ID 1,258 14 498
Sumpter 22 16 435
Adrian 57 6 447
Greenleaf, ID 110 13 495
Island City 211 20 440
Cascade, ID 300 10 510
Flora 4 3 471
McCall, ID 666 10 538
Valley County, ID 994 10 531
Parma, ID 971 21 498
Joseph 228 14 450
Prairie City 183 14 431
Council, ID 318 13 505
Baker County 3,059 19 435
Grangeville, ID 1,051 17 494

Advanced Education levels in Halfway, OR implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Halfway 136 16 436
Wallowa County 731 14 440
Greenleaf, ID 64 11 495
Ferdinand, ID 20 16 486
Vale 247 10 429
Hereford 94 14 449
Washington County, ID 771 10 502
Starkey 8 7 466
Cascade, ID 281 12 510
Malheur Junction 40 6 430
Wallowa Lake 11 19 405
Crouch, ID 19 10 517
Imbler 45 25 444
Cayuse 2 8 423
Mission 16 3 430
Sumpter 12 9 435
Summerville 11 11 424
Baker City 1,156 14 432
Bench 5 4 471
Riggins, ID 178 17 532
Powder 37 12 427