
A Look at what important things contribute to your Bradenville, PA Home Insurance rates which can support you in getting a cheap quote.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Bradenville, PA the costlier the insurance

City Unemploymed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Bradenville 403 13 711
Bell 1,958 4 714
Delmont 2,168 2 729
Brush Valley 1,426 4 702
Everson 738 9 687
North Vandergrift 417 1 672
Upper Tyrone 1,761 4 692
Jerome 907 2 690
Edie 58 17 699
Youngstown 238 3 688
Westmont 4,257 3 716
Westmoreland County 302,291 4 715
Penn 16,259 3 733
Trafford 2,744 1 704
Millwood 403 19 675
South Bend 895 3 694
Scottdale 3,570 9 698
Youngwood 2,422 4 701
Export 923 7 700
St. Vincent College 1,232 7 657
Indiana 12,806 5 698

Better incomes in Bradenville, PA lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Bradenville 16521 711
Sewickley 24,858 707
Armstrong 26,443 714
New Florence 18,937 698
West Taylor 24,343 682
Scottdale 23,275 698
West Wheatfield 18,803 695
North Apollo 22,604 698
Laurel Mountain 26,510 702
Kiskiminetas 26,075 697
South Greensburg 24,197 698
Southwest Greensburg 22,700 703
Young 22,107 688
Crabtree 18,422 702
St. Vincent College 4,985 657
Southmont 27,955 703
Hempfield 29,336 725
Jenner 20,367 692
Brush Valley 20,182 702
Seven Springs 35,196 879
Lawson Heights 22,734 714

More poverty in Bradenville, PA means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Bradenville 25 3 711
Homer City 110 6 699
West Wheatfield 568 21 695
Orchard Hills 328 16 687
Coral 163 51 685
Mount Pleasant 1,176 10 710
Lower Yoder 233 8 688
North Huntingdon 985 3 724
St. Vincent College 73 54 657
New Florence 84 10 698
Hostetter 88 11 704
Greensburg 1,897 13 711
Slickville 212 40 678
Saltsburg 155 18 692
Blairsville 403 11 697
Unity 1,458 6 726
Bear Rocks 91 10 709
Lawson Heights 120 5 714
Everson 95 10 687
Wyano 21 6 697
Black Lick 295 22 697

Advanced Education levels in Bradenville, PA implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Bradenville 26 7 711
Armstrong 498 22 714
Upper Tyrone 69 4 692
Brownstown 57 9 682
Seward 13 3 690
Youngstown 14 6 688
Scottdale 347 10 698
Bell 189 10 714
Norvelt 46 5 709
Saltlick 248 9 703
Yukon 27 6 686
Calumet 67 7 711
Delmont 360 19 729
Export 78 10 700
Young 89 7 688
Ligonier 803 15 727
West Wheatfield 97 5 695
Irwin 67 12 698
Hostetter 64 10 704
Southwest Greensburg 262 17 703
Homer City 193 14 699