
Your New Holland, Pennsylvania Neighborhood & location are big factors in your home insurance costs so make sure you see many quotes before you buy.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in New Holland, PA the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
New Holland 4327 5 730
Pomeroy 309 11 757
Lincoln Park 1,194 2 745
Leacock 3,474 1 767
Bart 1,925 2 762
Hopeland 491 3 739
East Petersburg 3,808 7 732
in 105 0 657
Mohnton 2,462 4 722
West Lampeter 12,386 3 754
Honey Brook 5,687 5 753
Adamstown 1,338 2 746
Churchtown 205 0 1,021
East Cocalico 7,936 4 741
West Wyomissing 3,167 5 715
Robeson 5,915 4 761
Ronks 269 0 730
Whitfield 4,306 2 747
Pequea 3,690 4 745
East Lampeter 12,806 4 743
Millersville 7,404 2 727

Better incomes in New Holland, PA lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
New Holland 26,252 730
Reamstown 25,415 742
Shillington 28,804 716
Brecknock 25,283 760
Wallace 39,848 832
Reinholds 24,918 732
Swartzville 29,699 737
Eden 20,154 759
Coatesville 17,342 710
East Cocalico 26,987 741
Manheim 36,361 757
Churchtown 24,305 1,021
Terre Hill 22,735 748
Soudersburg 36,159 770
West Wyomissing 24,377 715
Elverson 31,444 776
Honey Brook 27,674 753
Witmer 18,255 760
Westwood 19,857 751
Landisville 38,863 745
East Petersburg 26,315 732

More poverty in New Holland, PA means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
New Holland 668 12 730
Wallace 212 6 832
West Earl 780 10 734
Brecknock 378 5 760
Leola 493 7 734
Reinholds 123 6 732
Grill 8 0 738
Gap 65 3 782
Gordonville 51 9 751
Montrose Manor 52 10 717
Goodville 97 22 730
Eden 387 18 759
Fivepointville 15 1 747
West Caln 662 7 753
Sadsbury 264 7 756
Denver 110 2 728
Terre Hill 58 4 748
New Morgan 2 8 656
Intercourse 23 1 766
in 0 0 657
Providence 466 6 743

Advanced Education levels in New Holland, PA implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
New Holland 509 13 730
Brickerville 63 5 741
Refton 0 0 760
Providence 262 5 743
Rothsville 492 25 748
Valley 967 20 744
Kenhorst 227 11 717
Ronks 12 5 730
Westwood 11 2 751
Smoketown 0 0 713
Parkesburg 259 11 745
Manheim 6,892 25 757
Sadsbury 491 20 756
Lancaster County 53,083 15 739
Landisville 315 23 745
Gap 78 7 782
Mohnton 401 18 722
Clay 625 14 753
Soudersburg 37 8 770
Lawn 134 12 720
Leola 566 12 734