
Understand the socioeconomic Factors around your Shamokin, Pennsylvania home to save money on your homeowners insurance rate.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Shamokin, PA the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Shamokin 6024 8 672
Girardville 1,195 7 671
Locustdale 100 0 660
Seltzer 275 12 688
Tower City 1,181 5 692
Cameron 435 4 694
Slabtown 107 8 685
Lower Augusta 1,048 4 720
Buck Run 119 8 689
Centralia 16 0 657
Ralpho 3,578 5 725
Strong 163 19 678
Danville 3,910 5 695
Sunbury 7,861 6 687
Cass 1,550 2 690
Hegins 2,836 4 708
Ashland 2,352 4 680
Wilburton Number Two 58 0 714
Ranshaw 327 11 681
Zerbe 1,643 4 687
Donaldson 254 0 684

Better incomes in Shamokin, PA lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Shamokin 16,877 672
Herndon 17,260 693
Forestville 23,142 696
Hemlock 30,137 719
Cleveland 28,140 739
Upper Augusta 25,691 709
Roaring Creek 20,202 730
Upper Mahantongo 21,093 720
Montour 23,488 729
Northumberland 24,100 711
Mayberry 23,469 735
Locust 27,291 723
Mainville 24,463 714
Rockefeller 24,260 713
Beurys Lake 27,478 701
Zerbe 21,405 687
Kulpmont 21,854 683
Wiconisco 22,762 691
Atlas 19,245 678
Ranshaw 17,170 681
Seltzer 18,996 688

More poverty in Shamokin, PA means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Shamokin 1376 18 672
Englewood 0 0 727
Hummels Wharf 75 4 713
West Mahanoy 307 11 692
Orwin 25 10 714
Selinsgrove 626 17 712
Tremont 241 15 690
Numidia 0 0 731
Point 355 10 715
Beurys Lake 21 13 701
Ravine 52 7 706
Upper Mahantongo 67 9 720
Northumberland 521 13 711
Herndon 65 21 693
Aristes 13 4 694
Locust 133 8 723
Shamokin Dam 113 6 717
Rupert 18 8 707
Ringtown 61 8 696
Reinerton 87 18 696
Donaldson 29 9 684

Advanced Education levels in Shamokin, PA implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Shamokin 250 4 672
Strong 19 13 678
Montour County 1,821 13 723
Orwin 30 18 714
West Mahanoy 251 11 692
Coal 516 6 684
Mayberry 27 12 735
Ralpho 571 17 725
Heckscherville 10 6 667
Wilburton 18 11 683
Aristes 9 4 694
Buckhorn 25 9 730
Wilburton Number Two 3 5 714
Locustdale 3 3 660
Hummels Wharf 194 15 713
Beurys Lake 14 12 701
Forestville 66 20 696
Bloomsburg 973 16 712
Rockefeller 134 8 713
Tremont 65 5 690
Gratz 25 4 695