
Understand the socioeconomic Factors around your Waccamaw Neck, South Carolina home to save money on your homeowners insurance rate.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Waccamaw Neck, SC the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Waccamaw Neck 18968 4 891
Plantersville 2,429 15 784
McClellanville 3,886 7 837
Stuckey 533 3 770
Murrells Inlet 6,807 5 844
Socastee 15,422 7 820
Manning 11,313 8 803
Forestbrook 3,010 8 826
Russellville 701 0 848
Sullivan's Island 1,528 3 1,213
Carolina Shores, NC 2,940 4 619
Clarendon County 28,041 8 790
Tabor City, NC 2,819 4 575
Andrews 6,125 9 779
Calabash, NC 1,770 7 592
Conway 52,079 6 829
Cordesville 2,922 9 798
Johnsonville 4,688 6 792
Summerville 89,105 6 829
Danwood 11,065 7 808
Goose Creek 28,032 5 824

Better incomes in Waccamaw Neck, SC lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Waccamaw Neck 38,180 891
Danwood 23,448 808
Georgetown 17,485 805
Wando 38,830 915
St. Stephen 21,135 791
Lees, NC 21,890 576
Awendaw 16,951 809
Sullivan's Island 71,754 1,213
Longs 18,703 803
Turbeville 18,053 776
Sardinia 11,725 777
Aynor 18,981 792
Bucksport 14,700 773
Manning 18,751 803
Bonneau Beach 22,055 817
Ladson 20,131 804
Charleston County 29,858 860
Eutawville 13,120 788
Little River 29,795 839
Bug Hill, NC 15,655 569
North Charleston 19,594 813

More poverty in Waccamaw Neck, SC means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Waccamaw Neck 1557 7 891
Georgetown 2,398 26 805
Cades 282 16 781
Sangaree 1,283 13 809
Kingstree 4,218 31 783
Jamestown 4 3 836
Sardis 772 25 801
Bucksport 342 36 773
Forestbrook 630 16 826
Hemingway 1,860 35 784
James Island 4,265 11 875
Isle of Palms 373 8 1,154
Longs 2,104 27 803
North Charleston 21,400 23 813
Calabash, NC 563 27 592
Charleston Central 11,578 37 933
Atlantic Beach 85 35 875
Plantersville 1,195 37 784
Moncks Corner 4,020 18 821
Turbeville 921 26 776
Awendaw 462 30 809

Advanced Education levels in Waccamaw Neck, SC implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Waccamaw Neck 4088 23 891
Johns Island 2,315 21 857
Turbeville 137 6 776
Andrews 185 3 779
Summerville 12,682 16 829
Carolina Shores, NC 305 10 619
Ladson 827 9 804
Stuckey 27 6 770
Williams, NC 326 5 570
Florence County 11,800 13 802
Brittons Neck 103 6 768
Longs 449 9 803
Lees, NC 226 10 576
Little River 4,555 16 839
Aynor 661 10 792
Awendaw 87 9 809
Pawleys Island 44 56 1,214
Danwood 990 10 808
Surfside Beach 724 23 863
James Island 8,278 29 875
Holden Beach, NC 289 36 718