
Your home location & surrounding characteristics count a lot towards your Lakeland, Tennessee Home rate. Use it to get a good deal.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Lakeland, TN the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Lakeland 9221 2 855
La Grange 88 3 843
Shelby County 713,977 7 807
Memphis, AR 19,333 9 1,092
Gilmore, AR 85 8 1,066
Benton County, MS 6,840 10 922
Tate County, MS 22,103 6 936
Rossville 587 5 848
Henning 801 6 772
Whitton, AR 247 3 1,052
Horseshoe Lake, AR 394 0 1,063
Monroe, AR 6,358 9 1,079
Crawfordsville, AR 306 1 1,098
Ashland, MS 749 6 918
Jasper, AR 10,319 6 1,132
Mississippi, AR 19,507 9 1,093
Marked Tree, AR 2,074 11 1,079
Crittenden County, AR 37,390 8 1,099
Snow Lake Shores, MS 439 10 931
Turrell, AR 530 13 1,068
Gallaway 503 8 829

Better incomes in Lakeland, TN lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Lakeland 37,831 855
Jericho, AR 17,589 1,130
Hickory Valley 9,748 779
Bob Ward, AR 20,849 1,045
Gilt Edge 26,842 792
Mason 11,836 781
Carson, AR 20,888 1,075
Bridgetown, MS 33,059 966
Mississippi, AR 17,152 1,093
Byhalia, MS 15,729 914
Proctor, AR 20,862 1,104
Bolivar 15,122 780
Stanton 12,417 778
Atoka 28,901 828
Hector, AR 21,099 1,058
Collierville 40,661 883
Whitton, AR 21,267 1,052
Fogleman, AR 23,262 1,084
Moscow 17,126 785
Haywood County 17,391 784
Rossville 36,331 848

More poverty in Lakeland, TN means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Lakeland 345 2 855
Dyess, AR 220 23 1,057
Tipton County 8,367 13 812
Lepanto, AR 347 20 1,071
Marie, AR 40 50 1,076
Jericho, AR 23 27 1,130
Bridgetown, MS 150 8 966
Ripley 2,830 34 783
Southaven, MS 5,800 11 958
Brownsville 2,225 21 788
Mississippi, AR 8,369 32 1,093
Arlington 536 4 855
Keiser, AR 165 24 1,074
Gilt Edge 68 18 792
Memphis 166,095 26 788
Edmondson, AR 190 41 1,055
Millington 1,318 13 803
Benton County, MS 2,368 27 922
Haywood County 3,918 21 784
Bob Ward, AR 201 19 1,045
DeSoto County, MS 16,347 10 964

Advanced Education levels in Lakeland, TN implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Lakeland 2191 26 855
Crittenden County, AR 3,381 10 1,099
Gates 11 1 771
Byhalia, MS 53 7 914
Etowah, AR 8 3 1,039
Marked Tree, AR 96 5 1,079
Dyess, AR 9 1 1,057
McGavock, AR 59 14 1,057
Lauderdale County 1,375 7 778
Benton County, MS 386 6 922
Lynchburg, MS 122 8 949
Anthonyville, AR 0 0 1,061
Memphis 60,013 14 788
Shelby County 106,791 18 807
DeSoto County, MS 15,453 14 964
Bob Ward, AR 36 4 1,045
Birdsong, AR 1 5 1,064
Germantown 10,047 36 884
Lucas, AR 116 18 1,142
Earle, AR 86 5 1,052
Garland 19 8 803