
Your home location & surrounding characteristics count a lot towards your Jean-Loving, TX Home rate. Use it to get a good deal.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Jean-Loving, TX the costlier the insurance

City Unemploymed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Jean-Loving 541 1 1003
Mineral Wells 14,696 5 1,011
Palo Pinto 294 14 1,010
Megargel 254 5 989
Clay County 8,654 3 1,006
Cotton, OK 875 6 1,414
Decatur 12,256 5 1,035
Young County 14,392 2 1,008
Ranger 2,636 3 991
Scotland 481 0 1,031
Jacksboro 5,062 2 1,004
Albany 2,385 2 998
Lake Bridgeport 302 3 1,032
Lipan 333 1 997
Holliday 4,358 1 1,030
Moran 294 3 994
Pleasant Valley 256 1 1,015
Breckenridge 911 2 1,023
Alvord 2,468 6 1,037
Gordon 371 0 1,000
Nocona 3,643 3 993

Better incomes in Jean-Loving, TX lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Jean-Loving 29936 1003
Lipan 17,262 997
Jolly 31,020 1,052
Palo Pinto 15,225 1,010
Weatherford 26,971 1,035
Scotland 19,773 1,031
Windthorst 20,245 1,018
Cool 20,511 1,008
Shackelford County 23,931 998
Cotton, OK 23,825 1,414
Sanctuary 30,826 1,039
Ryan, OK 14,923 1,396
Elbert 20,074 998
Moran 27,591 994
Terral, OK 15,122 1,375
Perrin 26,646 994
Montague County 24,667 1,009
Briar 31,176 1,027
Devol, OK 16,495 1,382
Wichita County 23,656 1,014
Parker County 30,407 1,049

More poverty in Jean-Loving, TX means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Jean-Loving 18 3 1003
Cashion Community 9 3 1,028
Ryan, OK 128 19 1,396
Throckmorton 85 8 995
Santo 116 3 1,040
Bellevue-Joy 124 6 1,009
St. Jo 291 11 1,008
Archer County 1,024 11 1,022
Newcastle 165 17 988
Springtown 336 13 1,027
Western Lake 199 19 988
Devol, OK 22 16 1,382
Goree 25 9 978
Forestburg 182 9 1,006
Palo Pinto County 4,362 15 1,013
Weinert 78 26 975
Shackelford County 405 12 998
Loving 18 3 1,003
Cotton, OK 142 13 1,414
Clay County 872 8 1,006
Jack County 1,464 18 1,004

Advanced Education levels in Jean-Loving, TX implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Jean-Loving 0 0 1003
Cotton, OK 114 14 1,414
Gordon 40 12 1,000
Baylor County 438 15 1,002
Strawn 50 11 982
Cool 10 7 1,008
Bridgeport 1,335 10 1,032
Montague County 1,493 10 1,009
Mingus 4 1 1,003
Henrietta 593 12 1,007
Jolly 14 10 1,052
Wise County 4,483 11 1,031
Bellevue-Joy 229 17 1,009
Millsap 18 6 998
Forestburg 204 13 1,006
Bryson 78 8 1,002
Decatur 1,533 14 1,035
Clay County 943 12 1,006
Windthorst 26 8 1,018
Archer City 229 10 1,010
Rhome 185 18 1,026