
Where we Live in Bowie County, Texas counts towards how cheap our home insurance can get, so keep this in mind while getting quotes.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Bowie County, TX the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Bowie County 72758 5 1018
Naples 3,810 6 998
Lockesburg, AR 492 3 1,080
Ogden, AR 183 1 1,036
Redwater 831 4 1,013
Annona 242 3 994
Bois d'Arc, AR 502 2 1,025
De Kalb 4,597 4 1,011
Fouke, AR 856 10 1,080
Springhill, AR 1,268 6 1,071
Marietta 128 2 989
Linden 4,927 5 1,000
Ben Lomond, AR 217 4 1,077
New Boston 7,836 4 1,011
Red Lick 844 4 1,075
Red River County 10,341 4 1,000
Bloomburg 334 7 992
Red River, AR 570 9 1,103
Atlanta 10,945 6 1,005
Saratoga, AR 176 7 1,060
Rodessa, LA 255 5 1,206

Better incomes in Bowie County, TX lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Bowie County 22,536 1,018
Arden, AR 21,795 1,056
Simms 18,914 1,004
Springhill, AR 17,967 1,071
Nash 26,317 1,004
New Boston 18,611 1,011
Morris County 20,344 1,008
Clarksville 15,226 997
Cleveland, AR 18,656 1,058
Red River County 18,653 1,000
Bloomburg 17,427 992
Lone Star 15,642 996
Naples 22,887 998
Atlanta 20,887 1,005
De Queen, AR 12,651 1,078
Burke, AR 20,598 1,062
Mineral Springs, AR 19,852 1,076
Wilton, AR 16,738 1,049
Marion County 20,570 1,001
Rodessa, LA 13,696 1,206
Texarkana 23,861 1,025

More poverty in Bowie County, TX means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Bowie County 16457 18 1018
Little River County, AR 1,912 14 1,078
Douglassville 545 19 993
Hooks 948 16 996
Cookville 1,088 19 1,021
Arkinda, AR 21 100 1,017
Queen City 487 28 996
Naples 908 19 998
Bois d'Arc, AR 78 13 1,025
Sulphur, AR 290 24 1,068
Arden, AR 19 3 1,056
Annona 23 7 994
Marion County 2,273 21 1,001
Lick Creek, AR 71 20 1,112
Nash 650 21 1,004
Red River County 2,109 16 1,000
Sevier County, AR 4,404 26 1,078
Eagletown, OK 149 24 1,398
Maud 207 16 999
Morris County 2,494 19 1,008
McLeod 333 11 1,026

Advanced Education levels in Bowie County, TX implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Bowie County 7410 11 1018
Cookville 346 9 1,021
Cut Off, AR 0 0 1,016
Blackland, AR 0 0 1,068
Clarksville 212 6 997
Hughes Springs 72 5 1,004
Nash 113 6 1,004
Lick Creek, AR 16 6 1,112
Lockesburg, AR 31 7 1,080
Avery 232 11 996
Texarkana 5,543 14 1,025
Red River County 892 9 1,000
Winfield 207 11 1,009
Little River County, AR 718 7 1,078
Miller's Cove 2 2 968
Water Creek, AR 56 25 1,047
Red Lick 126 17 1,075
Rodessa, LA 1 0 1,206
Mount Pleasant 997 8 1,014
Arden, AR 26 6 1,056
Simms 215 12 1,004