
Your Groves, Texas Neighborhood & location are big factors in your home insurance costs so make sure you see many quotes before you buy.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Groves, TX the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Groves 12710 6 1021
Call 1,899 5 1,003
Buna 8,406 3 1,007
Hardin 621 7 1,002
Daisetta 2,442 6 1,010
Stowell 4,245 5 1,034
LaBelle 10,759 1 1,041
Silsbee 13,316 3 1,011
Spurger 3,934 8 997
San Leon 3,720 9 1,014
Carlyss, LA 3,341 8 1,240
Anahuac 4,439 4 1,027
Vidor 22,078 5 1,005
Warren 2,539 5 997
Vinton, LA 2,515 2 1,241
Hayes, LA 596 15 1,250
West Orange 2,924 3 998
Rose City 530 4 1,003
Port Arthur 88,789 5 1,015
Cove 410 0 1,066
Welsh, LA 2,345 4 1,231

Better incomes in Groves, TX lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Groves 26,380 1,021
Starks, LA 21,197 1,225
Westlake, LA 21,342 1,247
Iowa, LA 20,375 1,241
Old River-Winfree 21,457 1,007
Baytown 21,196 1,017
Reeves, LA 19,895 1,227
Central Gardens 37,049 1,019
Orangefield 25,799 1,038
Welsh, LA 18,068 1,231
Liberty 20,464 1,014
Kirbyville 20,675 1,007
Chambers County 30,310 1,048
Calcasieu, LA 24,255 1,266
Beaumont 24,310 1,019
Port Arthur 22,191 1,015
Singer, LA 17,375 1,200
Carlyss, LA 20,022 1,240
Batson 22,018 990
Oretta, LA 10,475 1,236
Ames 21,123 1,019

More poverty in Groves, TX means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Groves 1796 11 1021
Hardin County 6,554 12 1,021
Newton County 2,255 16 1,005
Westlake, LA 760 16 1,247
LaBelle 177 3 1,041
Fenton, LA 47 16 1,274
Cleveland 5,460 20 1,007
Cameron, LA 614 8 1,266
Sabine Pass 260 14 1,017
Moss Bluff, LA 571 4 1,295
Mauriceville 1,316 12 1,012
Orangefield 1,811 11 1,038
Lumberton 1,399 8 1,027
Batson 617 16 990
Rose City 60 9 1,003
Morgan's Point 59 23 1,081
Beaumont 25,353 22 1,019
Kirbyville 1,453 21 1,007
Rye 856 15 998
Pinewood Estates 0 0 1,060
Woodville 1,846 21 1,009

Advanced Education levels in Groves, TX implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Groves 998 9 1021
Big Thicket Lake Estates 68 17 975
Spurger 235 6 997
Newton 259 6 995
Welsh, LA 90 4 1,231
West Orange 92 3 998
Singer, LA 14 6 1,200
Devers 26 7 1,010
Iowa, LA 129 6 1,241
Barrett 252 11 997
Vinton, LA 72 3 1,241
Call 41 2 1,003
Evadale 38 4 1,002
Newton County 701 7 1,005
Rose City 7 2 1,003
Lacassine, LA 34 12 1,246
Dayton 366 7 1,026
Morgan's Point 35 16 1,081
Baytown 4,057 9 1,017
Jefferson County 20,672 12 1,019
Kirbyville 277 6 1,007