
See what's important for Borger, Texas Home Insurance to get a good deal from a top insurance company.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Borger, TX the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Borger 14971 4 1001
Stratford 1,677 5 1,008
Tyrone, OK 482 4 1,407
McLean 763 2 981
Texola, OK 46 0 1,365
Canyon 12,743 2 1,036
Sherman County 2,181 4 1,011
Hooker, OK 2,937 2 1,430
Briscoe County 1,356 1 992
Higgins 419 1 997
Sunray 1,679 1 1,007
Texas County, OK 15,302 4 1,437
Hemphill County 2,842 0 1,015
Goodwell, OK 1,047 0 1,423
Pampa 14,675 5 1,007
Silverton 1,012 1 986
Reydon, OK 130 0 1,373
Lake Meredith Estates 398 2 1,020
Erick, OK 1,193 0 1,402
Canadian River Breaks 4,942 2 1,052
Lipscomb County 2,517 2 1,011

Better incomes in Borger, TX lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Borger 23,254 1,001
Optima, OK 11,361 1,388
Stinnett 25,915 1,004
Tyrone, OK 16,256 1,407
Gruver 25,058 1,014
Hemphill County 28,739 1,015
Goodwell, OK 17,958 1,423
Miami 33,821 1,020
Cactus 12,353 985
Texas County, OK 21,847 1,437
Follett 25,124 1,003
Texas, OK 21,365 1,419
Lipscomb County 26,489 1,011
Wheeler 30,085 1,005
Mobeetie 27,854 997
Silverton 20,342 986
Booker 25,651 1,014
Claude 23,268 1,018
Timbercreek Canyon 46,100 1,100
Donley County 21,867 997
Hansford County 21,770 1,005

More poverty in Borger, TX means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Borger 2820 14 1001
Palisades 40 15 1,014
Hartley County 334 7 1,043
Hansford County 951 17 1,005
Stratford 476 20 1,008
Stinnett 173 7 1,004
Texhoma, OK 141 15 1,414
Erick, OK 522 31 1,402
Hartley 93 17 1,013
Dumas 2,955 15 1,013
Lake Tanglewood 8 1 1,107
Optima, OK 125 33 1,388
Channing 29 3 1,016
Canadian 161 19 1,016
Vega 291 17 1,005
Howardwick 114 22 980
Amarillo 31,882 16 1,025
Guymon, OK 1,780 12 1,441
Randall County 11,478 9 1,041
Samnorwood 2 1 1,004
Oldham County 343 17 1,004

Advanced Education levels in Borger, TX implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Borger 1207 9 1001
Dumas 1,034 9 1,013
Hartley 60 16 1,013
Roberts County 152 22 1,027
Donley County 277 11 997
Shamrock 269 16 999
Potter County 7,967 10 1,010
Oldham County 223 16 1,004
Ochiltree County 619 9 1,010
Goodwell, OK 201 37 1,423
Randall County 15,550 20 1,041
Dalhart 670 14 1,019
Hartley County 680 15 1,043
Tyrone, OK 20 5 1,407
Stinnett 262 14 1,004
Hardesty, OK 17 10 1,408
Wheeler 238 11 1,005
Boys Ranch 22 33 962
Groom 62 15 1,008
Swisher County 505 10 1,005
Howardwick 9 2 980