
Your location in Edna, Texas impacts your home insurance rate & you need to account for this when you get quotes & buy insurance.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Edna, TX the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Edna 3942 4 1013
Shiner 3,007 2 1,017
Glidden 398 0 1,019
Eagle Lake 3,907 7 1,001
Palacios 4,118 3 1,017
Inez 1,866 4 1,017
Ganado 2,698 2 1,006
La Ward 166 1 999
Vanderbilt 1,080 0 1,007
Iago 127 0 985
Pleak 770 1 1,035
Fayette County 19,817 1 1,033
Lolita 1,394 1 1,018
Sealy 10,354 5 1,041
Yorktown 3,741 1 1,003
Louise 1,791 4 1,013
Yoakum 4,630 4 995
Simonton 543 0 1,063
Rosenberg 22,578 4 1,024
Moulton 1,949 4 1,014
Needville 8,979 2 1,034

Better incomes in Edna, TX lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Edna 17,643 1,013
Vanderbilt 23,727 1,007
DeWitt County 23,281 1,007
Schulenburg 22,865 1,051
Lolita 29,280 1,018
Cuero 19,646 1,007
Damon 12,708 1,027
Rosenberg 19,461 1,024
Glidden 20,375 1,019
Bloomington 15,625 989
Holiday Beach 27,019 1,010
Lavaca County 24,594 1,013
Quail Creek 22,959 1,034
Boling 17,329 995
Lamar 29,849 1,107
Needville 27,197 1,034
Flatonia 29,290 1,045
Wharton 19,360 1,007
Sealy 26,089 1,041
Bay City 23,773 1,017
Sweeny 21,613 1,013

More poverty in Edna, TX means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Edna 1040 19 1013
Orchard 43 10 1,017
Shiner 227 6 1,017
Bloomington 394 22 989
Matagorda 112 27 1,018
Lolita 111 6 1,018
Sargent 470 13 1,017
El Campo 3,470 21 1,013
DeWitt County 2,757 15 1,007
La Ward 31 13 999
Port O'Connor 85 7 1,059
Goliad County 1,027 14 1,020
Matagorda County 6,929 19 1,018
Victoria County 14,430 16 1,026
Yoakum 822 13 995
Fulton 1,017 17 1,055
Blessing 554 62 970
Garwood 283 14 1,036
Glidden 35 7 1,019
Placedo 199 42 993
Ganado 411 11 1,006

Advanced Education levels in Edna, TX implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Edna 412 12 1013
Kendleton 159 7 1,025
Sargent 224 8 1,017
Colorado County 1,751 12 1,014
Sweeny 209 9 1,013
Goliad 61 9 1,044
Weimar 461 13 1,030
Holiday Beach 21 4 1,010
Tidehaven 274 9 998
La Ward 10 8 999
Goliad County 547 10 1,020
Moulton 182 10 1,014
Fairchilds 20 4 1,008
DeWitt County 1,130 7 1,007
Wharton County 3,099 11 1,017
Newgulf 210 8 1,006
Yorktown 345 10 1,003
Austwell 4 4 992
Glidden 47 13 1,019
Van Vleck 72 6 1,063
Aransas County 2,621 15 1,036