
Your location in Elm Mott, Texas impacts your home insurance rate & you need to account for this when you get quotes & buy insurance.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Elm Mott, TX the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Elm Mott 4918 3 1032
Wortham 2,039 5 1,006
Limestone County 18,598 3 1,012
Coolidge 837 1 1,007
Abbott 331 2 1,026
Bosque County 14,643 5 1,019
Penelope 955 3 991
Golinda 475 4 1,014
Perry 574 0 1,039
Italy 3,154 9 1,017
Mart 4,255 2 1,006
Grandview 5,496 4 1,058
Lakeview 4,911 5 1,005
Valley Mills 1,885 7 1,011
Aquilla 69 0 990
Laguna Park 1,351 2 1,039
Hillsboro 10,533 4 1,012
Walnut Springs 569 9 1,009
Maypearl 4,415 5 1,069
Bruceville-Eddy 1,206 6 1,009
Waco 140,010 4 1,022

Better incomes in Elm Mott, TX lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Elm Mott 26,884 1,032
Personville 31,334 1,018
Moody 19,465 1,011
Navarro County 20,630 1,009
Dawson 24,626 1,008
Lorena 25,505 1,031
Aquilla 30,215 990
Flat 22,122 990
Barry 18,105 977
China Spring 30,207 1,058
Mexia 18,367 1,000
Axtell 24,016 1,021
Clifton 24,428 1,028
McLennan County 21,459 1,024
Waco 19,937 1,022
Whitney 20,869 1,007
Bellmead 16,659 997
Hubbard 18,652 1,004
Bell 35,352 1,044
Hillsboro 18,936 1,012
Groesbeck 18,240 1,018

More poverty in Elm Mott, TX means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Elm Mott 858 13 1032
Walnut Springs 203 26 1,009
Oglesby 154 9 1,013
Lakeview 1,544 24 1,005
Hallsburg 92 25 1,017
Flat 139 13 990
Hewitt 837 6 1,040
Prairie Hill 155 22 1,017
Ross 39 6 1,018
Hillsboro 2,709 20 1,012
Leroy 13 3 1,016
Troy 229 10 1,011
Meridian 1,254 19 1,008
Carl's Corner 29 9 1,064
Moody 281 20 1,011
Waco 42,434 24 1,022
Malone 39 19 986
Gholson 198 20 1,006
Temple 8,549 12 1,025
Morgan 126 20 994
Bardwell 130 22 1,008

Advanced Education levels in Elm Mott, TX implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Elm Mott 468 10 1032
Gholson 71 9 1,006
Whitney 687 10 1,007
Hewitt 2,049 22 1,040
Frost 53 11 991
Coolidge 39 5 1,007
Reagan 80 13 998
Maypearl 669 18 1,069
Clifton 688 12 1,028
Blooming Grove 411 13 1,013
Gatesville 1,063 7 1,009
Turnersville 75 16 1,020
Richland 25 11 991
McLennan County 20,373 14 1,024
Tehuacana 28 15 999
Carl's Corner 6 2 1,064
Woodway 1,781 28 1,062
Bynum 4 2 1,009
McGregor 985 18 1,036
Emhouse 7 8 988
Perry 74 15 1,039