
Take a deeper look at Fairfield, Texas home insurance cost factors to help you gain an advantage in getting a cheap quote.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Fairfield, TX the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Fairfield 6089 2 1016
Frankston 4,646 3 1,015
Groesbeck 5,059 1 1,018
Murchison 543 4 1,002
Enchanted Oaks 294 3 1,102
Gun Barrel City 4,803 7 1,024
Garrett 486 7 1,004
Streetman 174 2 998
Rice 2,702 4 1,011
Centerville 4,188 4 1,025
Athens 19,022 4 1,016
Latexo 518 10 989
Marquez 1,461 3 1,034
Limestone County 18,598 3 1,012
Emhouse 100 1 988
Scurry 607 5 1,033
Alma 235 2 1,003
Hallsburg 298 2 1,017
Leon County 13,596 3 1,008
Hubbard 1,167 4 1,004
Richland 241 6 991

Better incomes in Fairfield, TX lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Fairfield 27,365 1,016
Cayuga 19,737 1,039
Thornton 23,567 1,033
Emerald Bay 34,312 1,077
Brownsboro 22,579 1,019
Malone 16,562 986
Eustace 15,015 1,008
Moore Station 17,189 991
Jacksonville 17,316 1,004
Edom 20,731 1,011
Mexia 18,367 1,000
Kirvin 25,520 1,015
Goodlow 16,873 963
Poynor 22,170 1,008
Anderson County 18,699 1,011
Mertens 13,485 991
Dawson 24,626 1,008
Hallsburg 25,441 1,017
Corsicana 20,553 1,013
Frost 15,522 991
Mustang 10,012 1,010

More poverty in Fairfield, TX means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Fairfield 1200 15 1016
Tennessee Colony 814 15 1,007
Tool 429 14 1,017
Hallsburg 92 25 1,017
Enchanted Oaks 10 3 1,102
Grays Prairie 19 4 1,024
Bardwell 130 22 1,008
Oakwood 405 30 989
Tehuacana 60 25 999
Blooming Grove 606 13 1,013
Kosse 90 8 1,003
Trinidad 87 13 995
Frost 213 29 991
Richland 79 22 991
Jacksonville 6,380 29 1,004
Eustace 204 20 1,008
Anderson County 9,105 19 1,011
Freestone County 2,726 15 1,007
Moore Station 13 5 991
Teague 809 13 1,007
Seven Points 534 34 1,004

Advanced Education levels in Fairfield, TX implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Fairfield 550 10 1016
Garrett 17 4 1,004
Palestine 1,679 8 1,009
Malone 2 1 986
Trinidad 19 4 995
Buffalo 335 9 999
Normangee 329 14 1,044
Jewett 46 6 978
Ennis 1,213 7 1,027
Tool 115 5 1,017
Anderson County 2,987 7 1,011
Kirvin 2 1 1,015
Dawson 213 9 1,008
Cottonwood 17 13 1,049
Groesbeck 311 7 1,018
Mustang 0 0 1,010
Freestone County 1,279 9 1,007
Streetman 15 10 998
Mildred 23 4 1,000
Athens 1,563 9 1,016
Mexia 773 10 1,000