
Your home location & surrounding characteristics count a lot towards your Leonard, Texas Home rate. Use it to get a good deal.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Leonard, TX the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Leonard 6014 4 1024
Albany, OK 151 0 1,395
Windom 217 2 988
Howland 665 9 1,011
Grayson County 95,126 5 1,020
Collinsville 1,339 6 1,020
McKinney 146,485 3 1,074
Tom Bean 775 5 1,011
Dodd City 1,281 4 1,009
Prosper 6,622 2 1,151
Bryan, OK 831 8 1,397
St. Paul 786 2 1,109
New Hope 692 5 1,037
Sadler 211 6 1,008
Cartwright, OK 538 12 1,482
Colbert, OK 4,176 6 1,399
Pecan Gap 1,379 6 998
Whitewright 1,473 6 999
Tioga 670 5 1,008
Blue, OK 223 0 1,420
Princeton 12,384 5 1,026

Better incomes in Leonard, TX lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Leonard 22,042 1,024
Savoy 15,333 998
Plano 40,124 1,087
Prosper 38,814 1,151
Pottsboro 27,434 1,054
Fate 29,893 1,061
McKinney 35,470 1,074
West Tawakoni 19,213 995
Kemp, OK 17,026 1,366
Mobile City 14,339 1,253
Bonham 17,877 1,015
Van Alstyne 24,603 1,044
Delta County 20,303 999
Farmersville 24,789 1,025
Ravenna-Telephone 21,466 1,018
Sadler 19,548 1,008
Roxton 20,368 1,003
Collin County 37,797 1,080
Westminster 17,574 980
Cartwright, OK 16,357 1,482
Tom Bean 18,550 1,011

More poverty in Leonard, TX means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Leonard 1080 14 1024
Lowry Crossing 182 9 1,053
Fannin County 5,057 16 1,012
Mobile City 57 33 1,253
Commerce 2,690 31 1,014
Trenton 212 28 1,003
Murphy 825 4 1,110
Melissa 291 6 1,086
Roxton 195 16 1,003
Collin County 59,107 7 1,080
Greenville 7,726 22 1,014
Bailey 15 7 979
Albany, OK 37 23 1,395
Fairview 585 8 1,135
McKinney 15,985 7 1,074
Bonham 2,006 17 1,015
Wylie 1,699 4 1,051
Bells 354 18 1,029
Savoy 78 10 998
East Tawakoni 194 19 1,008
Pottsboro 255 10 1,054

Advanced Education levels in Leonard, TX implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Leonard 564 11 1024
Wylie 6,700 27 1,051
Lavon 324 20 1,059
Gunter 153 16 1,041
Campbell 49 12 1,011
Fairview 2,343 42 1,135
Achille, OK 13 3 1,389
Caddo Mills 428 9 1,036
Grayson 2,338 14 1,019
Ravenna-Telephone 247 8 1,018
Ravenna 4 2 995
Blue, OK 0 0 1,420
McKinney 43,628 35 1,074
Southmayd 30 5 998
Preston 266 13 1,011
Mobile City 3 2 1,253
Delta County 428 11 999
Lowry Crossing 219 17 1,053
Neylandville 9 10 1,017
Murphy 4,006 38 1,110
Tom Bean 26 4 1,011