
Where we Live in Mitchell County, Texas counts towards how cheap our home insurance can get, so keep this in mind while getting quotes.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Mitchell County, TX the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Mitchell County 7747 2 997
Gail 199 0 1,101
Sterling City 1,018 0 1,006
Lake Colorado City 545 1 1,005
Tom Green 3,556 3 1,032
Coke County 2,761 2 995
Winters 2,769 1 992
Abilene 92,762 3 1,019
Jim Ned 5,968 2 1,038
Big Spring 1,901 5 997
Colorado City 6,172 2 1,000
Dawson County 10,880 3 992
Sterling County 1,018 0 1,005
Howard County 27,912 3 997
Girard 35 0 969
Forsan 150 0 994
Robert Lee 1,275 3 999
Miles 1,041 1 1,001
Tuscola 756 1 1,009
Westbrook 720 2 1,017
Lawn 324 1 981

Better incomes in Mitchell County, TX lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Mitchell County 15,463 997
Carlsbad 13,364 986
Westbrook 28,132 1,017
Coke County 24,000 995
Colorado City 12,921 1,000
Loraine 21,605 981
Winters 20,284 992
Tom Green 27,998 1,032
Robert Lee 19,139 999
Lamesa 17,647 987
Trent 21,271 996
Grape Creek 24,035 1,002
Fisher County 22,401 995
Mertzon 24,669 1,000
Miles 20,341 1,001
Midland County 32,223 1,045
Midland 32,798 1,047
Runnels County 20,848 1,002
Impact 13,175 963
Lawn 21,469 981
Irion County 26,161 1,001

More poverty in Mitchell County, TX means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Mitchell County 977 14 997
Scurry County 2,401 15 1,009
Nolan County 2,822 19 992
Lamesa 61 19 987
Buffalo Gap 70 15 1,002
Tom Green County 16,739 15 1,018
Midland 12,722 10 1,047
Anson 434 13 1,000
Dawson County 2,076 18 992
Los Ybanez 23 100 963
Ackerly 26 13 994
Midland County 13,483 9 1,045
Borden County 0 0 1,030
Coahoma 263 13 999
Bronte 196 12 1,002
Grape Creek 243 8 1,002
Ballinger 1,065 23 1,001
Robert Lee 220 14 999
Westbrook 72 7 1,017
Stonewall County 241 17 993
Potosi 295 8 1,069

Advanced Education levels in Mitchell County, TX implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Mitchell County 391 6 997
Howard County 1,814 7 997
Big Lake 121 5 999
Tom Green 653 20 1,032
Westbrook 63 9 1,017
Winters 286 11 992
Lake Colorado City 32 6 1,005
Abilene 11,873 16 1,019
Stanton 149 6 997
Ackerly 14 15 994
Blackwell 31 13 987
Buffalo Gap 35 10 1,002
Roscoe 189 14 1,000
O'Donnell 58 9 999
Anson 164 7 1,000
Martin County 234 7 993
Trent 14 7 996
Lamesa 34 15 987
Irion County 90 8 1,001
Dawson County 517 5 992
San Angelo 8,235 14 1,017