
Understand the socioeconomic Factors around your Fisher County, Texas home to save money on your homeowners insurance rate.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Fisher County, TX the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Fisher County 3149 4 995
Tuscola 756 1 1,009
Kent County 697 1 999
Anson 2,514 2 1,000
Gail 199 0 1,101
Winters 2,769 1 992
O'Brien 107 7 979
Guthrie 210 2 930
Knox County 2,884 3 987
Post 2,335 0 1,010
Robert Lee 1,275 3 999
Scurry County 13,121 2 1,009
Sagerton 322 0 1,005
Abilene 92,762 3 1,019
Nolan County 11,707 4 992
Putnam 55 0 1,001
Big Spring 24,510 3 997
Loraine 855 3 981
Sterling City 1,018 0 1,006
Goree 220 2 978
Carlsbad 555 4 986

Better incomes in Fisher County, TX lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Fisher County 22,401 995
Anson 17,356 1,000
King County 32,356 1,115
Gail 35,066 1,101
Dickens 21,412 995
Albany 23,517 998
Lawn 21,469 981
Stonewall County 27,670 993
Sweetwater 19,085 991
Putnam 24,475 1,001
Guthrie 32,356 930
Miles 20,341 1,001
Lake Colorado City 29,425 1,005
Howard County 18,770 997
Coke County 24,000 995
Weinert 17,666 975
Ackerly 18,619 994
Westbrook 28,132 1,017
Shackelford County 23,931 998
Nolan County 20,008 992
Roby 22,362 995

More poverty in Fisher County, TX means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Fisher County 551 14 995
Runnels County 2,128 20 1,002
Buffalo Gap 70 15 1,002
Sand Springs 155 16 1,014
Munday 416 27 985
Hawley 46 5 1,004
Sagerton 41 9 1,005
Robert Lee 220 14 999
Tuscola 40 4 1,009
Coke County 416 13 995
Ackerly 26 13 994
Carlsbad 179 30 986
Putnam 9 16 1,001
Benjamin 87 16 983
Snyder 2,228 17 1,004
King County 10 4 1,115
Haskell County 1,077 19 990
O'Brien 4 2 979
Westbrook 72 7 1,017
Loraine 165 15 981
Hermleigh 104 11 1,033

Advanced Education levels in Fisher County, TX implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Fisher County 320 11 995
Benjamin 72 18 983
Nolan County 988 10 992
Miles 90 10 1,001
Jayton 38 19 1,015
Shackelford County 390 17 998
Runnels County 779 10 1,002
Dickens County 183 10 986
Stamford 285 11 991
Winters 286 11 992
Hamlin 145 10 988
Mitchell County 391 6 997
Rule 37 6 992
Sterling County 132 15 1,005
Knox City 82 9 985
Hermleigh 99 17 1,033
O'Brien 0 0 979
Callahan County 1,147 12 1,003
Cross Plains 169 11 1,005
Sagerton 33 15 1,005
Crosbyton 174 12 991