
Your location in Blanket, TX impacts your home insurance rate & you need to account for this when you get quotes & buy insurance.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Blanket, TX the costlier the insurance

City Unemploymed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Blanket 2655 1 1037
Brady 5,481 1 1,006
Bluff Dale 2,696 2 1,051
Llano 2,610 2 1,012
May 1,631 1 1,007
Melvin 491 3 997
Mullin 161 3 1,042
McCulloch County 6,454 2 1,000
Cranfills Gap 720 5 1,059
Coleman 4,122 3 992
Granbury 7,729 5 1,029
Ballinger 3,756 1 1,001
Somervell County 6,530 1 1,030
Brown County 30,022 1 1,013
Lake Brownwood 1,219 2 1,009
Bangs 5,928 1 1,009
Carbon 215 2 992
Hico 2,103 8 1,016
Stephens County 7,594 2 1,006
Comanche 5,950 3 1,009
Glen Rose 6,530 1 1,038

Better incomes in Blanket, TX lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Blanket 24847 1037
Hico 19,701 1,016
Burnet 24,627 1,044
Erath County 22,048 1,029
Coleman 15,580 992
Eastland 28,280 1,007
Buchanan Lake Village 24,215 1,038
Richland Springs 25,268 1,019
Brady 20,050 1,006
Callahan County 23,311 1,003
Santa Anna 20,010 1,004
Evant 24,921 1,065
Novice 27,457 1,010
Levita 28,832 1,010
Copperas Cove 22,074 1,022
Stephens County 19,896 1,006
Ranger 15,543 991
Breckenridge 16,977 991
Granbury 24,947 1,029
Iredell 22,333 1,015
Coleman County 18,404 1,002

More poverty in Blanket, TX means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Blanket 402 12 1037
Comanche 2,260 30 1,009
Walnut Springs 203 26 1,009
Eastland 1,272 21 1,007
Bluff Dale 177 5 1,051
Early 341 12 1,022
Gatesville 1,880 13 1,009
San Saba 810 21 1,005
Mills County 761 16 1,015
Richland Springs 222 14 1,019
Moran 65 19 994
Rowena 129 15 989
Breckenridge 1,257 22 991
Putnam 9 16 1,001
De Leon 930 21 1,004
Jim Ned 278 3 1,038
Coleman County 2,606 30 1,002
Granbury 997 10 1,029
Bangs 923 12 1,009
Santa Anna 606 28 1,004
Erath County 8,007 21 1,029

Advanced Education levels in Blanket, TX implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Blanket 285 12 1037
Hamilton County 845 13 1,013
Coryell County 4,477 9 1,021
Santa Anna 221 13 1,004
Clairette 303 17 1,063
Cisco 481 15 1,004
Burnet 1,583 14 1,044
Coleman 326 9 992
Strawn 50 11 982
Gatesville 1,063 7 1,009
Eden 137 6 994
Mingus 4 1 1,003
Evant 130 14 1,065
Llano 407 17 1,012
Granbury 830 12 1,029
McCulloch County 706 12 1,000
Thunderbird Bay 70 13 986
Lometa 115 10 1,017
Comanche County 1,265 13 1,008
Stephens County 682 10 1,006
Walnut Springs 58 12 1,009