
A Look at what important things contribute to your Daggett County, UT Home Insurance rates which can support you in getting a cheap quote.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Daggett County, UT the costlier the insurance

City Unemploymed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Daggett County 751 3 490
Uintah and Ouray 3,515 3 484
Hideout 203 3 450
Carbon 1,390 6 460
Carbon County 16,060 5 476
Bear River, WY 700 11 752
Uintah County 22,934 4 492
Arrowhead Springs, WY 67 0 795
Duchesne County 13,066 3 487
Fort Bridger, WY 202 0 730
Granger, WY 99 7 675
Jensen 256 0 495
Manila 253 0 482
Neola 216 0 487
Dinosaur, CO 390 4 835
Fort Duchesne 372 6 504
Kemmerer, WY 3,409 4 731
Independence 120 21 506
Eden, WY 328 0 716
Flaming Gorge 34 0 447
Purple Sage, WY 160 26 685

Better incomes in Daggett County, UT lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Daggett County 22270 490
Carbon 16,771 460
Kemmerer, WY 32,508 731
Rangely, CO 26,678 861
Purple Sage, WY 7,123 685
Samak 19,115 465
Reliance, WY 23,542 685
Marion 25,468 507
Randlett 10,306 480
Wamsutter, WY 29,234 697
Bear River, WY 26,341 752
Eden, WY 37,752 716
Wanship 21,226 496
Heber 18,856 502
Peoa 40,730 505
La Barge, WY 28,670 726
Diamondville, WY 26,507 708
Moffat County, CO 23,974 867
Maybell, CO 17,328 836
Ballard 25,341 483
Coalville 26,308 498

More poverty in Daggett County, UT means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Daggett County 98 12 490
Kemmerer, WY 174 4 731
Lyman, WY 279 13 724
Jensen 0 0 495
Hideout 19 6 450
James Town, WY 17 2 738
Superior, WY 27 13 701
Washam, WY 0 0 1,018
Uinta County, WY 2,568 12 733
Hoytsville 31 5 526
Flaming Gorge 0 0 447
Reliance, WY 64 7 685
Myton 116 20 474
Fort Bridger, WY 37 15 730
Purple Sage, WY 304 92 685
Maeser 122 3 495
Tabiona 2 0 485
Wanship 87 19 496
Wamsutter, WY 87 14 697
La Barge, WY 37 6 726
Baggs, WY 102 26 717

Advanced Education levels in Daggett County, UT implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Daggett County 83 12 490
Wamsutter, WY 41 9 697
Heber 846 14 502
Coalville 409 12 498
Bridger Valley, WY 406 10 733
Rock Springs, WY 2,036 11 733
Kamas 700 16 508
Altamont 21 10 475
Robertson, WY 17 16 679
Oakley, WY 0 0 673
Arrowhead Springs, WY 12 17 795
Myton 5 1 474
Vernal 1,995 12 490
Uintah and Ouray 215 7 484
Farson, WY 67 17 744
Eden, WY 44 15 716
Fort Duchesne 12 3 504
Uinta County, WY 1,704 13 733
Purple Sage, WY 0 0 685
Randolph 19 5 476
Naples 116 10 493