
Get a wider perspective on the Sanpete County, Utah home insurance market to save your money.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Sanpete County, UT the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Sanpete County 20379 4 485
Moroni 8,079 4 486
Redmond 421 9 478
Mona 884 9 491
Meadow 199 0 478
Sutherland 290 0 478
Cleveland 372 0 487
Deseret 206 0 475
Orangeville 850 1 477
Ferron 1,772 5 475
Elberta 226 4 522
Sunnyside 351 13 462
Fremont 12 0 450
Fairview 1,314 3 480
Woodland Hills 917 5 539
Rocky Ridge 505 0 490
Spanish Fork 21,730 4 492
Green River 820 3 463
West Wood 552 5 497
Gunnison 4,315 2 484
Hinckley 594 8 476

Better incomes in Sanpete County, UT lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Sanpete County 17,305 485
Manti 15,945 486
Wales 15,834 481
Lynndyl 19,753 475
Lake Shore 24,653 511
Orangeville 22,964 477
Delta 20,551 475
Clawson 13,618 483
Kanosh 17,119 478
Provo-Orem 18,695 496
Fayette 17,372 484
Provo 16,865 495
Elsinore 15,657 478
Fillmore 19,229 480
Santaquin 17,489 490
Mapleton 26,269 525
Hinckley 24,861 476
Sigurd 16,036 482
Salina 21,996 477
Green River 16,084 463
Utah County 20,853 499

More poverty in Sanpete County, UT means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Sanpete County 3833 15 485
Orem 13,869 15 496
West Wood 33 4 497
Sunnyside 102 20 462
Mount Pleasant 512 16 483
Elk Ridge 152 6 511
Clawson 18 11 483
Price 1,982 12 484
Fayette 67 26 484
Oasis 0 0 450
Oak City 23 3 482
Gunnison 497 13 484
Leamington 7 3 481
Delta 1,084 14 475
Green River 304 26 463
Lynndyl 7 5 475
Spring Lake 189 32 598
Monroe 1,039 18 484
Lake Shore 32 5 511
Rocky Ridge 429 38 490
Nephi 1,396 14 487

Advanced Education levels in Sanpete County, UT implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Sanpete County 1907 12 485
Joseph 8 3 475
Palmyra 70 16 531
Annabella 53 13 483
Spring Glen 61 9 475
Scipio 34 17 481
Central Valley 34 10 499
Huntington 401 8 477
Kanosh 33 11 478
Leamington 15 10 481
Aurora 51 8 480
Fillmore 347 12 480
Redmond 32 9 478
Fairview 100 9 480
Ephraim 422 18 493
Ferron 110 7 475
Elk Ridge 287 23 511
Eureka 38 8 472
Orem 11,658 24 496
Castle Dale 126 11 478
Wales 19 10 481