
Your home location & surrounding characteristics count a lot towards your Pittsylvania County, Virginia Home rate. Use it to get a good deal.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Pittsylvania County, VA the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Pittsylvania County 51702 5 701
Hurt 1,029 3 697
Boones Mill 194 1 686
Mayo, NC 5,764 9 578
Ferrum 1,515 6 701
Altavista 5,903 4 710
Campbell County 44,345 4 714
Gills Creek 6,756 5 759
Iriswood 7,544 8 697
Boone 6,343 3 725
Villa Heights 545 19 707
Roxboro, NC 12,254 7 584
Fieldale 711 6 688
Union Hall 6,822 6 732
Chatham 980 4 705
Ruffin, NC 4,745 7 581
Ridgeway 7,472 7 694
Price, NC 1,322 6 589
Nathalie 215 0 687
Clover 344 4 688
Oak Level 638 10 696

Better incomes in Pittsylvania County, VA lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Pittsylvania County 21,716 701
Boones Mill 29,723 686
Cunningham, NC 24,715 550
Ruffin, NC 20,008 581
Horsepasture 19,099 694
Chatmoss 41,133 715
Concord 24,951 705
Bedford 22,116 715
Reidsville, NC 20,533 582
Leasburg, NC 13,306 582
Rocky Mount 21,323 707
Rustburg 22,934 712
Reed Creek 21,746 697
Stanleytown 24,144 713
Ridgeway 20,714 694
Forest 29,711 739
Boone 26,108 725
Clover 27,104 688
Mayo, NC 20,631 578
Motley 22,488 699
Mount Hermon 28,133 708

More poverty in Pittsylvania County, VA means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Pittsylvania County 9449 15 701
Snow Creek 1,675 21 707
Westover 1,495 15 702
Williamsburg, NC 894 19 582
Midway 181 22 719
Rustburg 1,031 13 712
Bedford County 6,017 8 726
Tunstall 1,205 13 697
Hightowers, NC 137 6 584
Forest 569 5 739
Franklin County 7,828 14 717
Horse Pasture 494 24 699
Locust Hill, NC 335 13 587
Holloway, NC 361 15 587
Brookneal 968 14 702
Boone 638 8 725
Ferrum 138 15 701
Collinsville 1,491 16 702
Phenix 31 11 708
South Boston 2,183 28 697
Madison, NC 1,654 20 576

Advanced Education levels in Pittsylvania County, VA implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Pittsylvania County 4262 9 701
Williamsburg, NC 392 12 582
Dan River, NC 162 7 577
Milton, NC 57 3 574
Pelham, NC 195 8 575
Timberlake 1,137 13 718
Lynchburg 8,329 19 714
Gills Creek 1,198 18 759
Rocky Mount 569 9 707
Henry Fork 36 4 686
Cluster Springs 34 8 675
Seneca 319 6 703
Yanceyville, NC 76 2 581
Locust Hill, NC 165 9 587
Altavista 622 12 710
Halifax 131 14 707
Person County, NC 3,048 11 586
Leasburg, NC 66 7 582
Halifax County 2,072 8 700
Holloway, NC 135 7 587
Blackberry 226 3 694