
Your Halifax, VT Neighborhood & location are big factors in your home insurance costs so make sure you see many quotes before you buy.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Halifax, VT the costlier the insurance

City Unemploymed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Halifax 678 9 717
Richmond, NH 798 3 695
Stamford 698 4 721
Windham County 36,804 4 725
North Adams, MA 11,651 5 996
Clarksburg, MA 1,447 2 999
Troy, NH 1,688 6 681
Keene, NH 20,247 7 691
New Ashford, MA 199 9 1,052
Brookline 494 5 729
Cummington, MA 829 3 1,040
Rowe, MA 364 7 1,023
Monroe, MA 90 7 998
North Bennington 1,533 4 719
Cheshire County, NH 63,919 6 694
North Westminster 336 8 705
Williamsburg, MA 2,263 2 1,033
West Swanzey, NH 927 5 682
Florida, MA 596 7 1,018
Windham 345 2 722
Erving, MA 1,344 8 1,005

Better incomes in Halifax, VT lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Halifax 29193 717
North Bennington 20,871 719
Stamford 27,895 721
Hinsdale, NH 23,098 674
Shutesbury, MA 38,707 1,030
North Adams, MA 20,481 996
Colrain, MA 31,227 1,009
Newfane 29,477 724
Williamsburg, MA 35,529 1,033
Bennington County 28,493 724
Franklin County, MA 28,841 1,017
Florida, MA 26,796 1,018
Charlemont, MA 28,222 1,018
Townshend 38,006 735
Jacksonville 28,178 721
South Deerfield, MA 33,196 1,052
Old Bennington 40,258 775
Guilford 28,696 729
Turners Falls, MA 23,738 1,008
Montague, MA 25,956 1,013
Surry, NH 38,247 702

More poverty in Halifax, VT means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Halifax 72 8 717
Sunderland 32 3 724
Chesterfield, MA 59 5 1,034
Guilford 234 11 729
Florida, MA 29 4 1,018
Grafton 55 11 720
Bennington County 4,710 13 724
Wardsboro 89 12 735
Worthington, MA 54 4 1,023
Charlemont, MA 121 9 1,018
South Deerfield, MA 68 3 1,052
Erving, MA 155 8 1,005
Saxtons River 160 29 715
New Ashford, MA 0 0 1,052
Windham County 4,498 10 725
Shutesbury, MA 119 6 1,030
North Westminster 11 3 705
Westmoreland, NH 66 3 716
Winhall 44 6 762
Putney 218 9 728
Turners Falls, MA 1,024 22 1,008

Advanced Education levels in Halifax, VT implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Halifax 100 16 717
North Westminster 17 5 705
North Bennington 140 17 719
Searsburg 7 8 726
Marlboro 187 27 745
Rowe, MA 64 18 1,023
Bernardston, MA 277 17 1,021
Colrain, MA 197 15 1,009
Shelburne Falls, MA 252 18 1,018
Stamford 113 18 721
Savoy, MA 44 8 1,001
Monroe, MA 18 21 998
Buckland, MA 282 18 1,008
Turners Falls, MA 447 13 1,008
Dover 292 29 738
Charlemont, MA 201 21 1,018
Windham County 5,863 18 725
Erving, MA 170 14 1,005
Windsor, MA 135 21 1,024
Brattleboro 312 15 709
Bellows Falls 123 6 710