
See what's important for South Burlington, Vermont Home Insurance to get a good deal from a top insurance company.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in South Burlington, VT the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
South Burlington 14863 3 746
Weybridge 671 3 774
Hyde Park 2,484 4 716
Plattsburgh, NY 1,177 12 574
Addison 1,117 3 731
Berlin 2,399 5 717
Fletcher 987 6 730
Au Sable Forks, NY 375 6 588
Worcester 866 3 722
Cornwall 946 3 774
Waterville 586 2 721
Port Henry, NY 1,024 3 590
Bridport 1,082 3 730
Jericho 3,818 2 741
Westford 1,682 4 740
Swanton 5,061 5 719
Ripton 414 5 712
Grand Isle 1,831 2 731
Lincoln 973 5 732
Milton 8,098 4 738
Ferrisburgh 2,257 6 761

Better incomes in South Burlington, VT lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
South Burlington 37,285 746
South Hero 35,277 761
Waterville 21,576 721
Berlin 27,175 717
Jay, NY 29,922 596
Plattsburgh, NY 20,139 574
Isle La Motte 23,925 720
St. Albans 23,381 715
Lewis, NY 19,101 589
Lincoln 34,043 732
Grand Isle County 33,675 741
Moriah, NY 20,829 582
Worcester 27,608 722
Northfield 21,366 718
Cornwall 40,226 774
Bolton 32,318 723
Fletcher 35,885 730
Willsboro, NY 24,349 588
Chazy, NY 27,355 596
Bakersfield 23,226 726
Chittenden County 33,021 743

More poverty in South Burlington, VT means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
South Burlington 1039 5 746
Morristown 729 14 738
Bridport 98 7 730
Swanton 789 12 719
Port Henry, NY 247 18 590
Duxbury 71 5 728
Fairfax 145 3 738
Au Sable, NY 461 14 589
Burlington 9,469 26 739
Georgia 120 2 742
Fayston 54 5 754
Schuyler Falls, NY 607 11 593
Redford, NY 0 0 615
Willsboro, NY 268 15 588
Underhill 130 4 751
Witherbee, NY 85 16 617
St. Albans 1,087 15 715
Huntington 122 6 734
Mineville, NY 241 25 582
Warren 97 6 743
Hinesburg 149 3 742

Advanced Education levels in South Burlington, VT implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
South Burlington 4025 31 746
Clinton County, NY 6,835 12 592
Addison 141 14 731
Parc, NY 0 0 567
Jay, NY 296 15 596
Chazy, NY 224 7 596
Fairfield 243 17 724
Swanton 610 13 719
Elizabethtown, NY 91 15 588
Cambridge 755 28 728
Berlin 277 13 717
Fayston 270 34 754
Westport, NY 158 15 597
Port Henry, NY 114 12 590
Milton 1,242 17 738
Isle La Motte 66 19 720
St. Albans 881 19 715
Au Sable Forks, NY 13 3 588
Peru, NY 760 15 597
Essex 3,909 30 739
Waterville 111 20 721