
A Look at what matters in Waterbury, Vermont Home Insurance to help you focus on the right things to lower your quote.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Waterbury, VT the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Waterbury 4160 3 755
Stannard 202 8 718
Berlin 2,399 5 717
Danville 1,849 3 717
Waitsfield 1,409 4 764
Bolton 878 7 723
Plainfield 1,125 5 716
Huntington 1,583 2 734
Topsham 1,062 4 708
Duxbury 1,196 2 728
Walden 770 4 710
Eden 1,014 3 701
Monkton 1,606 2 737
Orange County 23,761 4 716
Fairfax 3,311 1 738
Middlebury 312 1 756
Waterville 586 2 721
Brookfield 1,004 2 721
Bristol 3,183 5 728
Bakersfield 1,065 7 726
Underhill 2,375 2 751

Better incomes in Waterbury, VT lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Waterbury 35,905 755
Starksboro 28,316 730
Chelsea 26,250 718
Waterville 21,576 721
Groton 24,087 705
Monkton 33,083 737
Orange County 26,824 716
Johnson 16,163 712
Greensboro Bend 22,095 704
Underhill 43,503 751
Middlesex 31,692 735
Jeffersonville 20,324 727
South Burlington 37,285 746
Lamoille County 27,380 724
Cambridge 29,736 728
Hardwick 23,299 694
Barre 35,162 697
Northfield 21,366 718
Albany 20,842 708
Colchester 30,034 734
Wheelock 18,988 716

More poverty in Waterbury, VT means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Waterbury 220 4 755
Lamoille County 2,973 12 724
Jeffersonville 173 23 727
Barre 0 0 697
Williamstown 310 9 704
Willsboro, NY 268 15 588
Essex Junction 570 6 735
Plainfield 131 11 716
Fletcher 99 7 730
Chelsea 164 11 718
Addison County 3,789 11 732
Shelburne 330 4 764
Bakersfield 141 9 726
Brookfield 147 12 721
Groton 102 9 705
Monkton 199 9 737
Cabot 223 15 714
Granville 19 5 703
Washington County 5,067 8 722
Albany 111 13 708
Stowe 351 8 785

Advanced Education levels in Waterbury, VT implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Waterbury 1104 29 755
Craftsbury 120 14 710
Milton 1,242 17 738
Waterville 111 20 721
Orange 82 10 704
Ferrisburgh 379 18 761
Plainfield 236 26 716
Charlotte 940 36 829
Belvidere 30 14 702
Washington County 9,335 22 722
Albany 98 15 708
Bolton 249 32 723
Woodbury 174 23 723
Roxbury 70 14 706
Lamoille County 4,113 24 724
Elmore 208 31 731
Hinesburg 1,062 32 742
Stowe 1,204 40 785
Northfield 671 21 718
Middlebury 17 5 756
Greensboro 95 16 724