
Where we Live in St. Albans, Vermont counts towards how cheap our home insurance can get, so keep this in mind while getting quotes.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in St. Albans, VT the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
St. Albans 5337 4 715
Enosburg Falls 1,171 5 705
Milton 8,098 4 738
Georgia 3,521 3 742
Beekmantown, NY 4,511 5 594
Colchester 14,245 3 734
Belvidere 251 7 702
Chazy, NY 511 1 590
Highgate 2,803 6 717
Clinton County, NY 68,351 4 592
Franklin County 37,473 4 724
Altona, NY 2,420 7 586
Worcester 866 3 722
Westford 1,682 4 740
Black Brook, NY 1,302 5 583
Essex 15,450 3 739
Jeffersonville 508 5 727
Ellenburg, NY 1,491 2 583
Hyde Park 2,484 4 716
Richmond 3,222 3 732
Hardwick 2,256 2 694

Better incomes in St. Albans, VT lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
St. Albans 23,381 715
Morrisville 26,375 716
Elmore 31,173 731
Waterbury 35,905 755
Monkton 33,083 737
South Burlington 37,285 746
Belvidere 20,918 702
Bakersfield 23,226 726
Orleans County 21,658 704
Westfield 24,869 713
Stowe 37,358 785
Lowell 18,342 699
Isle La Motte 23,925 720
Mooers, NY 21,375 585
Wolcott 20,589 724
Au Sable Forks, NY 22,283 588
Newport Center 13,809 684
Jericho 39,567 741
Black Brook, NY 24,988 583
Grand Isle 37,723 731
Hyde Park 26,215 716

More poverty in St. Albans, VT means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
St. Albans 1087 15 715
Highgate 465 13 717
Irasburg 248 20 713
Westford 37 1 740
Ellenburg, NY 399 21 583
Bolton 52 4 723
Chazy, NY 219 29 590
Jay 90 12 730
Enosburg 539 19 715
Hinesburg 149 3 742
Essex Junction 570 6 735
Fairfax 145 3 738
Monkton 199 9 737
Hyde Park 239 8 716
Grand Isle 134 5 731
Lowell 129 14 699
Au Sable, NY 461 14 589
Essex 988 5 739
Sheldon 204 8 715
Swanton 789 12 719
Chittenden County 16,948 11 743

Advanced Education levels in St. Albans, VT implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
St. Albans 881 19 715
Morrisville 304 20 716
Albany 98 15 708
St. George 106 22 720
Swanton 610 13 719
Chittenden County 29,406 29 743
Eden 82 9 701
Shelburne 1,761 34 764
Parc, NY 0 0 567
Enosburg Falls 82 8 705
Hardwick 274 13 694
Peru, NY 760 15 597
Isle La Motte 66 19 720
Johnson 286 15 712
Craftsbury 120 14 710
Au Sable, NY 207 9 589
Williston 2,197 35 751
Grand Isle 286 17 731
Fletcher 159 18 730
Franklin 109 11 712
Richford 95 5 695