
Your Moses Lake, Washington Neighborhood & location are big factors in your home insurance costs so make sure you see many quotes before you buy.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Moses Lake, WA the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Moses Lake 25590 8 578
Coulee City 1,027 5 579
Outlook 89 0 555
Lincoln County 8,478 2 576
Davenport 3,960 2 585
Almira 187 3 554
Wilson Creek 653 1 571
Franklin County 54,279 5 577
Gloyd 1,454 5 595
Desert Aire 741 2 570
Richland 37,857 3 587
Harrington 331 2 557
Mesa 307 9 563
Hartline 72 1 561
Terrace Heights 5,010 7 584
Krupp 44 0 591
Douglas County 29,231 5 589
Burbank 2,831 2 579
Lind 352 0 560
Ritzville 2,145 6 568
Othello 9,455 9 571

Better incomes in Moses Lake, WA lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Moses Lake 22,301 578
Finley 22,657 574
Creston 20,973 565
Warden 16,199 563
Cascade Valley 23,600 595
Elmer City 26,523 576
Outlook 23,821 555
Royal City 13,630 568
Douglas County 22,870 589
Kittitas 27,447 607
Benton County 28,171 581
Mansfield 18,094 561
Moxee 18,613 583
Almira 18,235 554
Kennewick 24,088 579
Brewster 12,882 584
Ellensburg 16,923 588
Malaga 29,116 612
Cashmere 25,759 605
Nespelem 13,086 565
Washtucna 34,719 564

More poverty in Moses Lake, WA means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Moses Lake 6294 18 578
Hanford Site 0 0 540
Moxee 180 5 583
Sunnyside 13,707 26 573
Lincoln County 1,495 14 576
Finley 291 5 574
Thorp 56 21 565
Pateros 154 27 579
Keller 97 44 577
Outlook 168 77 555
Gloyd 235 12 595
Washtucna 27 21 564
Walla Walla County 9,580 17 588
Krupp 6 13 591
Connell 1,765 24 572
Prosser 857 15 571
Gleed 436 15 579
Kittitas County 8,421 21 599
Lind 27 6 560
Mesa 102 21 563
Vantage 0 0 540

Advanced Education levels in Moses Lake, WA implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Moses Lake 2102 10 578
Wilson Creek 68 12 571
Othello 430 5 571
Nespelem Community 0 0 573
Lakeview 112 16 566
Basin City 0 0 547
Banks Lake South 18 16 571
Mesa 6 2 563
Mansfield 25 12 561
Ellensburg 2,371 25 588
Waterville 152 9 578
Buena 6 1 571
Warden 189 8 563
Odessa 336 15 568
Finley 308 7 574
Elmer City 36 14 576
Pasco 3,124 9 575
Douglas County 2,913 11 589
Cashmere 1,069 14 605
Ritzville 197 10 568
Moxee 162 9 583