
See what's important for West Clarkston-Highland, Washington Home Insurance to get a good deal from a top insurance company.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in West Clarkston-Highland, WA the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
West Clarkston-Highland 4262 5 582
Lewis, ID 36 11 522
Uniontown 1,002 1 589
Kendrick, ID 326 5 508
Leland, ID 257 2 515
Nez Perce County, ID 31,789 4 510
Sweetwater, ID 81 17 497
White Bird, ID 109 1 484
Milton Freewater, OR 8,618 10 431
Deary, ID 408 6 497
Fairfield 434 5 573
Rock Lake 1,451 2 561
Nezperce, ID 488 3 489
Flora, OR 105 5 471
Bovill, ID 192 3 487
Walla Walla County 46,931 3 588
Stites, ID 174 9 484
Peck, ID 177 8 488
Whitman County 39,058 3 584
Latah 101 9 565
Genesee, ID 1,066 1 510

Better incomes in West Clarkston-Highland, WA lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
West Clarkston-Highland 20,051 582
Onaway, ID 19,083 485
Winchester, ID 19,452 498
Plummer, ID 16,977 493
Grangeville, ID 18,371 494
Nezperce, ID 23,188 489
Troy, ID 27,036 504
Craigmont, ID 26,312 500
Waitsburg 28,999 593
Kooskia, ID 16,308 487
Sweetwater, ID 29,932 497
Asotin County 24,353 582
Columbia County 26,767 577
Pierce, ID 20,448 483
Pullman 18,553 592
Walla Walla 21,430 585
Benewah County, ID 19,549 500
Lewiston, ID 24,451 513
Endicott 19,392 558
Farmington 22,745 562
Leland, ID 24,651 515

More poverty in West Clarkston-Highland, WA means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
West Clarkston-Highland 897 17 582
Kendrick, ID 72 17 508
Rosalia 167 14 567
Albion 36 7 565
Winchester, ID 149 23 498
Garrett 380 28 606
Princeton, ID 0 0 459
Garfield 119 22 566
College Place 1,565 20 584
Flora, OR 4 3 471
Rock Lake 182 10 561
Potlatch, ID 343 8 517
Onaway, ID 53 19 485
Lapwai, ID 274 22 493
Colfax 485 18 565
Dayton 489 13 578
Wallowa, OR 228 11 436
De Smet, ID 5 3 449
Pomeroy 206 11 572
St. Maries, ID 826 12 494
Farmington 18 8 562

Advanced Education levels in West Clarkston-Highland, WA implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
West Clarkston-Highland 417 11 582
Elk River, ID 23 10 534
Dayton 296 10 578
Asotin County 1,543 10 582
Oakesdale 51 16 571
Winchester, ID 47 9 498
St. Maries, ID 357 7 494
Colton 52 19 587
Parkline, ID 0 0 483
Benewah County, ID 507 7 500
Kendrick, ID 46 14 508
Wallowa County, OR 731 14 440
Imnaha, OR 25 12 427
Flora, OR 4 4 471
Orofino, ID 190 7 494
Ferdinand, ID 20 16 486
Princeton, ID 0 0 459
Walla Walla County 5,671 14 588
Waitsburg 284 15 593
Lewis County, ID 355 12 493
Elgin, OR 167 7 440