
Home location is a big driver of your Ocean Shores, Washington insurance rates so getting quotes from top companies will keep your costs down.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Ocean Shores, WA the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Ocean Shores 6993 7 583
Chinook 183 4 586
Pacific Beach 245 0 586
Pacific County 17,775 4 579
Warrenton, OR 3,810 3 446
McCleary 2,785 9 580
Hoodsport 604 14 580
Bay Center 148 0 577
Markham 115 0 590
Humptulips 788 6 576
Jefferson County 26,024 5 608
Wahkiakum County 3,365 6 585
Central Park 2,134 4 587
Malone 346 2 587
Ilwaco 887 4 583
Centralia 12,811 9 577
Grand Mound 2,009 12 587
Hoquiam 6,807 8 564
Newaukum Prairie 2,265 5 593
Queets 143 0 563
Grays River 1,017 9 583

Better incomes in Ocean Shores, WA lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Ocean Shores 26,217 583
Skokomish Reservation 15,949 556
Lacey 26,901 594
Ocean Park 17,975 578
Kamilche 24,363 588
Cosmopolis 23,793 581
Skokomish 15,274 556
Lebam 19,234 577
West End 10,446 558
Tumwater 30,394 597
Fords Prairie 26,153 587
Markham 24,103 590
Willapa 28,286 569
Grays Harbor County 21,897 578
Pacific County 23,895 579
Santiago 12,000 549
Mason 23,229 577
Long Beach 25,495 584
Home 20,814 597
Altoona 9,766 606
Shelton 19,051 586

More poverty in Ocean Shores, WA means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Ocean Shores 684 8 583
Thurston County 27,528 11 599
Brady 118 12 588
Pacific County 3,750 18 579
Long Beach 272 17 584
Mason 1,398 21 577
Warrenton, OR 811 16 446
Altoona 0 0 606
Tahuya 1,550 18 597
Fords Prairie 215 11 587
Tenino 316 14 580
Qui-nai-elt Village 0 0 540
Hoodsport 182 21 580
Kamilche 566 14 588
Quinault Reservation 325 34 557
Queets 73 38 563
Grays Harbor County 12,863 18 578
Skokomish 259 40 556
Taholah 285 35 553
Wahkiakum County 622 15 585
Willapa 32 16 569

Advanced Education levels in Ocean Shores, WA implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Ocean Shores 896 14 583
Lebam 16 11 577
Queets 0 0 563
Newaukum Prairie 151 7 593
Skokomish Reservation 30 7 556
Crescent 391 14 595
West End 6 0 558
Centralia 1,026 9 577
Cosmopolis 97 9 581
Home 99 11 597
Hoodsport 56 9 580
Chehalis 591 12 583
Long Beach 147 11 584
Rochester 304 21 592
Longbranch 311 11 599
Tokeland 11 14 632
Taholah 43 9 553
Jefferson County 5,029 21 608
Neilton 50 10 566
Tahuya 480 7 597
Oakville 81 5 582