
Study the bigger picture of the Cashmere, Washington home insurance market so you can think like an insurance company & get a great deal.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Cashmere, WA the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Cashmere 8344 4 605
Cle Elum 463 7 584
Enumclaw Plateau 50,236 5 619
Wakefield 3,510 8 576
Parker 181 9 541
North Bend 4,284 3 642
Carnation 1,591 5 613
Snoqualmie 7,043 4 645
Sunnyslope 2,788 5 627
Wilderness Rim 1,119 5 604
Bridgeport 4,628 4 569
Chelan Falls 323 15 568
Pateros 413 4 579
Ellensburg 17,644 6 588
Baring 172 2 560
May Creek 687 0 591
Chelan County 56,663 5 603
Tanner 742 2 660
Easton 351 11 613
Soap Lake 1,173 6 557
Manson 2,666 6 621

Better incomes in Cashmere, WA lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Cashmere 25,759 605
Kittitas 24,014 613
Pateros 22,525 579
Yakima 22,153 583
Sunnyslope 39,263 627
Mattawa 9,632 561
Methow Valley 23,819 599
Naches 20,056 577
Nile 18,270 627
Quincy 16,564 576
Greenwater 14,478 606
Malaga 29,116 612
Moxee 18,613 583
Rock Island 16,405 565
Ellensburg 16,923 588
King County 39,664 631
Cle Elum 22,267 584
Chelan Falls 18,506 568
Issaquah Plateau 49,149 659
Douglas County 22,870 589
Desert Aire 24,570 570

More poverty in Cashmere, WA means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Cashmere 1287 11 605
Kittitas County 8,421 21 599
Vantage 0 0 540
Wenatchee 4,305 14 593
Moses Lake 6,294 18 578
Tampico 22 18 582
Nile 0 0 627
Gleed 436 15 579
Cle Elum 66 11 584
Lakeview 146 16 566
Manastash Ridge 421 7 611
Fall City 187 8 635
Ames Lake 33 2 667
Leavenworth-Lake Wenatchee 773 13 608
Summitview 0 0 622
Easton 26 6 613
Wakefield 1,020 21 576
May Creek 55 6 591
Granite Falls 691 5 612
Issaquah Plateau 2,651 3 659
Bridgeport 1,630 25 569

Advanced Education levels in Cashmere, WA implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Cashmere 1069 14 605
Yakima 477 8 583
Manson 285 12 621
Riverbend 349 23 605
Mattawa 58 3 561
Kittitas 673 21 613
Waterville 152 9 578
Eschbach 3 2 561
Vantage 0 0 540
Tieton 20 3 568
Rock Island 13 3 565
Manastash Ridge 673 16 611
Fall City 312 18 635
Ellensburg 2,371 25 588
Ahtanum 106 4 578
Chelan 784 17 624
Ames Lake 366 40 667
Brewster 79 7 584
Coulee City 114 11 579
Malaga 300 11 612
Easton 11 3 613