
Study the bigger picture of the Garfield County, Washington home insurance market so you can think like an insurance company & get a great deal.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Garfield County, WA the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Garfield County 1897 4 574
Nez Perce, ID 4,899 5 504
Ferdinand, ID 147 10 486
Colfax 2,271 0 565
Lamont 74 1 550
Princeton, ID 37 24 459
Uniontown 1,002 1 589
Palouse 761 4 575
Asotin 3,137 2 599
Adams County 12,827 8 570
Latah County, ID 31,244 4 519
Weston, OR 760 6 434
Waitsburg 1,985 1 593
Walla Walla County 46,931 3 588
Ritzville 2,145 6 568
Waverly 77 0 567
Walla Walla 25,632 4 585
Potlatch, ID 3,071 4 517
Oakesdale 378 3 571
Cheney 2,298 1 581
Reubens, ID 91 6 476

Better incomes in Garfield County, WA lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Garfield County 27,217 574
Elgin, OR 21,723 440
Pullman 18,553 592
Walla Walla 21,430 585
Colfax 22,777 565
Wallowa, OR 20,003 436
Palouse 22,059 575
Nez Perce County, ID 24,130 510
Juliaetta, ID 26,760 515
Albion 27,447 565
Deary, ID 21,325 497
Franklin County 19,073 577
Waverly 33,254 567
Hatton 12,786 556
Whitman County 20,379 584
Ferdinand, ID 16,638 486
West Clarkston-Highland 20,051 582
Craigmont, ID 26,312 500
Lewis County, ID 20,160 493
Walla Walla County 23,698 588
Asotin County 24,353 582

More poverty in Garfield County, WA means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Garfield County 213 9 574
Washtucna 325 20 562
Dayton 489 13 578
Nez Perce, ID 651 13 504
Rockford 233 7 575
Lind 27 6 560
Walla Walla County 9,580 17 588
Waitsburg 320 13 593
St. John 98 17 560
Pomeroy 206 11 572
Garrett 380 28 606
Sprague 68 14 560
Deary, ID 81 14 497
Nezperce, ID 65 12 489
Elgin, OR 457 14 440
Athena, OR 120 6 434
Lewis County, ID 648 17 493
Juliaetta, ID 323 9 515
Albion 36 7 565
Asotin County 2,915 13 582
Weston, OR 30 3 434

Advanced Education levels in Garfield County, WA implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Garfield County 326 18 574
Franklin County 4,399 10 577
Walla Walla County 5,671 14 588
Walla Walla 2,632 12 585
Lostine, OR 21 12 428
Ritzville 197 10 568
Whitman County 5,687 26 584
Lewis, ID 5 16 522
Athena, OR 159 12 434
Palouse 129 19 575
Nez Perce County, ID 3,966 14 510
Latah 10 10 565
Latah County, ID 5,217 25 519
Bovill, ID 5 3 487
Uniontown 176 19 589
Tensed, ID 51 11 487
Lapwai, ID 97 14 493
Asotin County 1,543 10 582
Columbia County 336 11 577
Adams, OR 19 7 437
College Place 1,120 21 584