
Your Racine County, Wisconsin Neighborhood & location are big factors in your home insurance costs so make sure you see many quotes before you buy.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Racine County, WI the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Racine County 152488 6 651
Lake Villa, IL 29,358 7 788
Mettawa, IL 380 5 1,049
Lake County, IL 533,705 6 812
Brown Deer 9,993 4 648
St. Francis 8,132 7 645
Wauwatosa 37,602 2 672
Whitefish Bay 10,413 4 711
Highwood, IL 4,178 6 872
Grandwood Park, IL 3,894 5 800
Zion, IL 17,478 10 758
Bayside 3,448 3 704
Thiensville 2,604 3 674
Channel Lake, IL 1,536 7 780
Lake Catherine, IL 965 10 781
Benton, IL 14,847 8 776
Milwaukee County 736,809 7 646
River Hills 1,257 4 875
Waterford 4,979 4 691
Cudahy 14,590 5 645
Warren, IL 48,727 7 804

Better incomes in Racine County, WI lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Racine County 27,292 651
Green Oaks, IL 63,770 978
Milwaukee County 24,254 646
Greendale 33,989 667
Big Bend 26,467 662
North Chicago, IL 18,012 746
Dover 29,268 677
Ozaukee County 42,180 686
Lake Forest, IL 84,139 1,096
Fox Lake Hills, IL 28,742 787
Allegan County, MI 23,719 759
Sturtevant 20,527 644
Lake Bluff, IL 63,752 1,000
Greenfield 29,395 655
Yorkville 32,703 669
Round Lake Heights, IL 22,339 762
Venetian Village, IL 32,026 764
Gages Lake, IL 39,008 788
Avon, IL 26,930 771
Muskego 37,313 691
St. Francis 27,370 645

More poverty in Racine County, WI means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Racine County 23892 12 651
Shorewood 1,245 9 701
North Bay 15 5 741
Old Mill Creek, IL 20 13 1,092
Channel Lake, IL 132 7 780
Pleasant Prairie 903 4 678
Somers 472 5 673
Union Grove 209 4 647
South Milwaukee 2,146 10 646
Silver Lake 320 15 662
Waterford 106 1 691
Whitefish Bay 507 3 711
Lake Catherine, IL 144 11 781
Lake Forest, IL 813 4 1,096
Bayside 130 2 704
Round Lake Beach, IL 4,724 16 759
Gages Lake, IL 302 3 788
Brighton 149 9 691
New Berlin 1,423 3 682
West Allis 8,492 14 643
Lake County, IL 59,212 8 812

Advanced Education levels in Racine County, WI implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Racine County 19878 15 651
Racine 5,698 11 628
Lake Bluff, IL 1,662 42 1,000
Norway 1,070 19 688
Winthrop Harbor, IL 642 13 787
Lindenhurst, IL 2,674 29 790
Shorewood 2,931 31 701
South Milwaukee 1,954 13 646
Avon, IL 7,712 19 771
Lily Lake 9 3 658
Wilmot 27 10 684
Elmwood Park 91 27 670
Lake County, IL 112,125 25 812
Caledonia 3,717 21 665
Park City, IL 279 6 696
Warren, IL 11,304 27 804
Milwaukee County 108,296 17 646
Shields, IL 5,335 27 933
Sturtevant 439 9 644
St. Francis 1,205 16 645
Gages Lake, IL 1,547 23 788