
Read about what plays a Big Role in Pepin County, Wisconsin Home Insurance to understand what drives rates & to get a cheap quote.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Pepin County, WI the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Pepin County 5970 4 638
Belvidere 328 4 641
Trempealeau County 22,631 3 632
Rock Creek 687 3 645
Elk Mound 1,212 5 656
El Paso 562 3 673
Ellsworth 2,529 2 636
Nelson 503 1 640
Menomonie 14,255 4 644
Woodville 876 5 635
Fall Creek 930 5 633
Watopa, MN 216 4 980
Lucas 606 3 651
Red Cedar 1,686 2 661
Chimney Rock 157 2 653
Glencoe 426 2 653
Brunswick 1,349 4 657
Clear Creek 593 2 673
Colfax 922 3 640
Pierce County 32,939 3 660
Pepin 720 3 630

Better incomes in Pepin County, WI lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Pepin County 24,436 638
Waubeek 22,938 631
Hallie 28,092 650
Fall Creek 22,672 633
Eau Claire County 25,437 642
Pierce County 27,644 660
Lake Wissota 29,493 651
Kellogg, MN 29,785 992
Nelson 30,017 640
Gilman 25,111 669
Union 24,735 651
Mount Vernon, MN 40,026 1,032
Eleva 21,919 615
Cooks Valley 24,584 651
Menomonie 18,028 644
Plum City 20,492 622
Boyceville 19,108 614
Altoona 27,559 645
Glencoe 20,222 653
Belvidere 27,160 641
Buffalo County 23,913 638

More poverty in Pepin County, WI means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Pepin County 769 10 638
Strum 98 9 630
Stockholm 3 2 657
Waumandee 10 2 647
Downing 70 20 627
Wabasha, MN 189 7 1,000
Spring Valley 240 16 632
Red Cedar 109 5 661
Maiden Rock 15 2 678
Mount Vernon, MN 33 13 1,032
Albany, MN 73 19 1,008
Durand 122 6 628
Glasgow, MN 8 3 1,057
Tilden 22 1 658
Rock Elm 48 9 665
Pepin 122 15 630
Montana 38 13 646
Frontenac, MN 25 8 1,082
Brunswick 106 6 657
Tainter Lake 217 8 656
Drammen 35 4 656

Advanced Education levels in Pepin County, WI implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Pepin County 690 13 638
Osseo 143 12 624
Chimney Rock 27 19 653
Pepin, MN 35 10 1,058
Otter Creek 62 15 652
Belvidere 31 9 641
Florence, MN 148 12 1,054
Tainter Lake 340 18 656
Lucas 68 12 651
Spring Brook 191 18 646
Menomonie 1,258 17 644
Red Cedar 327 21 661
Lake Hallie 702 16 649
Hay River 74 18 640
Maxville 35 14 656
Colfax 104 12 640
Bay City 19 5 621
Pierce County 4,490 18 660
Union 340 18 651
Chippewa Falls 1,477 15 626
Clear Creek 49 9 673